Here we are on week two of the five-week series on Critiques! Not looking for anything else at this point, because you fine folks have inundated me with more than enough goodies for this series. Thank you! (And seriously, I’m all set. Don’t say, “Ooh! That’s cool. I want to get critiqued,” and send me something now, asking me to critique it via email, one-on-one. This is just something I’m doing for the column, and I started asking for your goodies on February 8th and reminded y’all every week that I’d be doing this. Anything new you send now is too late to be a part of this series. Thanks for understanding!)

This week’s critiques are all about resumes. A quick reminder to everyone: If you email your resume or provide a link on a website to it, please name the file something professional and descriptive. Sure “resume.doc” may be fine on your local hard drive, but once I download that, it means nothing to me. Name your resume file something much more informative like “firstnamelastnameresume2010.pdf” (and yes, we prefer PDFs to Word docs, any day)!

So, since this is yet again a visual experience, where’s the visual? Right here. Enjoy! And thank you, everyone, for submitting your resumes to this process. Very much appreciated! Wish I could’ve used you all! Check back over the next three weeks for the rest of the series on critiques! Wanna see last week’s piece on headshots? Click here.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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