This will be a short column. But don’t you dare call me a slacker. I’m asking for more work than you might imagine, in the few words I’m going to put in front of you now.

Send me your stuff!

Yup. Every time I check my Showfax email account, my inbox is overflowing with emails like this:

I just read your columns on good and bad headshots. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. But I need to know: Is my headshot any good? Thanks.

And like this:

I see you’ve covered billing, but my resumé still doesn’t look right to me. Could you look it over and give me feedback? Thanks.

And like this:

Is this cover letter (attached) any good? Thanks.

And like this:

I know what makes a good and bad demo reel. But I can’t tell about mine. What do you think? Thanks.

And like this:

I saw your columns on good and bad websites. It’s been a few years. What has changed? Will you visit my website and review it for me? Thanks.

Now, I usually reply to emails like that with a link to relevant columns, asking the actors to read all of that good stuff, and then come back to me with any specific follow-up questions. Some do. Most don’t. (Well, they may read. They don’t write back, though.) And lately, I just don’t even answer those emails, because, really, the info is out there and actors can either read and apply the info to their own situations or they never will, even if I point them right to it.

So, what’s up now? Why am I today rolling down the window and asking you to toss your goodies through it at me? Welp, let’s just say I’m feeling ready to see some new stuff. While much of what I’ve said in the specific archived columns that I’ll provide links to below absolutely holds true still today, and while I definitely believe it’s a very healthy thing for actors to be able to figure out how previously-given examples apply to their situations, I also believe it’s fun to check in. To take a look at what new issues y’all might have. To spend a little time exploring current trends in the areas of marketing materials. And to share new examples with the lovely readers of The Actors Voice, so they’re again reminded how much of this advice really does make sense, when they’re looking at the materials that aren’t their own.

And, hey, if someone who’s been craving my personal analysis of their materials for years finally gets to have it via this experience, yay! I’m always more likely to help people when I can do it “in public” like this, so that the information helps them and thousands of others too. 🙂

So, let’s see what you’ve got! I beg that you, first, check out the archived columns linked below in the category for which you’re submitting your goodies, and then — using the email address I share at the bottom of each week’s Your Turn — get me the materials you’d like to have critiqued in subsequent columns. I’m not going to put a deadline on this, because I’m certain I’ll start receiving stuff pretty quickly, and I’ll write my feedback columns as the goodies look like they represent all of the tips I’d want to be sure to cover.

Sound good? Okay! Get to reading.

Bad Headshots, Good Headshots
Bad Headshots, Good Headshots II
Bad Headshots, Good Headshots III
Bad Headshots, Good Headshots IV
Headshots Roundup
Picture Perfect (by Michelle Allen)
The Final Word on Headshots (by Mark Sikes)
The Final Word on Headshots, Part Two (by Mark Sikes)

Billing Revisited
Resumé Feng Shui (read the Your Turn too)
You Are Your Resumé (by Mark Sikes)

Cover Letters
Covering the Cover Letter
Bad Cover Letters, Good Cover Letters
Your Turn following Bad Cover Letters, Good Cover Letters
Cover Me (by Mark Sikes)

Demo Reels
Demo Reels
Demo Reels (Revisited)
Ten Tips on Demo Reels (by Robert Campbell)
Staying in the Picture (by Robert Campbell)
Reel Dilemma (by Mark Sikes)

Bad Websites, Good Websites
Bad Websites, Good Websites II
Bad Websites, Good Websites III (read the Your Turn too)
Oh, What a Tangled Website We Weave (by Mark Sikes)

Thanks, y’all. I look forward to checking out your materials! (And if you refuse to read the above-listed links, please, at least read Back to Basics, before you send me anything to critique. Thanks!)

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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