Not News: There’s a bit of fearlessness in us when we’re young. We’ve not yet had our light turned way down in an attempt to fit in. We’ve not yet been told what’s “impossible.” We’ve not been put in our place, told we’re too much, made to feel WRONG for being ourselves.

Ah… the journey of enoughness is all about reclaiming that original version of ourselves, isn’t it?

Welp, I had the pleasure of jamming with some kiddos last month at a performing arts camp in Georgia. And the other day — in our weekly Self-Promo Saturday thread at Facebook — the mother of a lovely girl named Arianna shared this photo.

Bonnie Gillespie's True North As Described by a 9-Year-Old Girl

If you’ve seen my talk about setting your true north, you recognize some of the concepts in Arianna’s notes.

In addition to the breathwork of getting centered and establishing that true north, there’s the importance of setting your NO line, rejecting rejection… and then there’s her mother’s report that she used this goodness to book the room? Ah, that’s just delightful!

When I shared this photo at Instagram, I got encouragement in the comments to build something the hubs has wanted to see us build for years — an enoughness course for young actors, creatives in grade school, those who aren’t so far down the adulthood path to have truncated their most courageous trajectory as much as most of us have by the time we actually explore reclaiming who we once were.

It’s on the list, this course. No question. It’s coming. Getting out ahead of low enoughness before it has a chance to dip too far down for far too long is definitely a priority.

But before we have a chance to get this next course built (not to mention the one before it, which I’m working on now), let me ask you to consider trying a little something that has helped some of my elite masterminders lean into fortifying their own enoughness every damn day.

Find a photo of yourself from before you dimmed your own light. You know the one.

There’s a photo of you somewhere from your childhood… and you are FILLED with your own enoughness. You have spark. You have promise. You have not even an *inkling* that there’s a reason to turn down your authentic self-expression. Ahh… delicious.

Make that photo the lock screen on your phone.

And when you find yourself considering playing small as you move forward in your storytelling life and all its choices, look into the eyes of that full-up-with-enoughness kiddo.

Connect with that version of yourself.

Stay on target with your true north. Do the scary thing. Do it for them.

PS — There’s still time to get in on Tara McMullin’s Candid Confidence Project (totally free). My contribution to the convo is coming soon and every single day’s entrepreneurial entry is simply inspiring… no matter what business you’re in!

Come share your lock screen photo with me — tag me on social or plop a link just below. Cannot wait to meet full-enoughness YOU.

All my love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Tony August 6, 2019 at 11:26 am

    June 1970, when everything was possible. #Enoughness

    1. Bonnie Gillespie August 6, 2019 at 1:21 pm

      Time to take that time BACK. 🙂 Rock on, Tony!

      1. Heather Alexander August 6, 2019 at 2:20 pm

        When I look at my childhood in photos, I see the pain & suffering I was under. I’ve come into my own, on my own, going against the grain of the world I was subject to. Not until I found your book and felt the empowerment of creating my success-making the Hollywood we want, did I really start to think, I can do this! Recently, I had a discussion with my son who is a high functioning autistic. I reminded him that his 1st words were “I do” he wanted to do EVERYTHING himself. The world has scared him into complicity so he doesn’t feel he can do anything worthwhile. After our conversation, he was lighter. I keep reminding him that it’s his turn. he can do anything.

        1. Bonnie Gillespie August 6, 2019 at 4:43 pm

          Such great parenting! Making sure your kiddo has all the enoughness in place ALWAYS. 🙂 Right on!


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