Just tried out my new webcam.
Make sure you’re on my Yahoo Messenger List if you want to be invited to watch the show in Nashville and Hotlanta. Right… if you want to watch casting over the next couple of weeks, send a “add to friends list” thingy to me on your messenger: CastingQs is my Yahoo handle.
Wooooo hoooo!
Hey, Chip, is there a way to do the little still-shot thingy on my blog’s main page like you have? Or do I just need to upload stuff like regular ol’ images.
PS–Hired Hannah today. Woo hoo! We are so gonna rock!
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Wheeeeeee! Can’t wait for next Friday. 🙂 Read about the jobs and think my crazy obsessive-compulsive self would be great at checking any and all kinds o’ paperwork. (The running camera day player job sounded much more scary. I’m just sayin’…)
Hope the Nashville days go well. And too cool about Tennessee Mornings!