Giddy Up!

Time to get very busy… VERY busy… this week. Tried to get some sleep and ended up succeeding for about four hours and have since been organizing everything for the sessions while watching a bunch of cool stuff I’d saved up on TiVo. Goodness, I’m so in love with A&E’s Airline. OMG, it’s a hoot! Could be I love it because I’m a Delta Brat, but man, that’s some good TV.
Also loving Biography’s Action! and AMC’s Sunday Morning Shootout. These shows are giving me lots of good overnight viewing alternatives (in addition to all of my RR/RW Challenges I’ve saved up to tape for Dawn). LOL
Saw a great show last night and I’m very excited about prereads starting in a couple of hours for The Moor. Just consuming lots and lots and lots of actors’ work and really enjoying it. Nice work!
Lots to do for lots of days in a row. I’m about to have to start saying NO to jobs. That’s sad, because of course I’d love to cast all of these great movies. But I guess that’s how working for a living goes… eventually you have to select your work and say no to some things. Either that or hire an assistant. Heck, that could be a closer eventuality than I’d imagined. Hm.

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1 Comment

  1. Susan April 6, 2004 at 6:34 am

    I vote for hiring an assistant!!!