Callbacks were great. I should be allowed to make actor offers tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Rockstar good stuff. Amazing actors. Really, really awesome.
Shifting into BOOK MODE for the new book, Acting Qs: Conversations with Working Actors. Got lots of work to do, which is always fun, but I’m going to have to start saying no to some casting jobs in order to get the writing done on our timeline.
Tomorrow is a big day. I’m going to a really wonderful casting director holiday craft fair of sorts. Over 300 people have RSVP’d and every name on the invite list is a name I recognize (casting directors, agents, managers). I swear, this will be great networking, a good way to get a little advance info on the big, emergency casting union meeting coming up this month (possible CD strike afoot), and a fun opportunity to see what other CDs do when they’re not casting. I know what *I* do. What do the rest of us do? Well, some craft! I look forward to buying handmade-by-casting-director gifts for my actor friends. That’ll be fun. Also awesome to hang out with Chemin, as always.
Okay. I need sleep. Already napped once today (after the callbacks) but still need a little more of the good stuff before that big day o’ mine. Oh, and I don’t EVEN want to start thinking about how many days straight of commitments I have the rest of this month. Shows, showcases, more shows, more showcases, holiday parties that are more networking than socializing in nature.
Sleepytime. Sleepy. Pleased. Spleasedy? Yeah.
Gratified. Tired. Gratiftired?
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