There’s something really cool about this enoughness journey. The farther along we are in this work, the simpler the BEING/DOING dichotomy becomes.

I was on the phone with a business bestie recently and she was bouncing ideas off me about this new offering she had created. One of your *very* typical overgivers, she was listing off alllllll the things she would stuff into this membership to make it worth the investment.

When I asked her what was behind all that — specifically, when I asked her what the fear was at the core of adding sooooooo much (like, more than anyone would ever be able to consume in the time they were enrolled in the membership — something that actually makes people feel like crap, as if THEY have failed at keeping up) — she took a deep breath and admitted, “I never want to be one of those SIX-FIGURE LAUNCH COACH people.”

Of course, we both know well the exact type of vibe she’s hoping to avoid. You probably know that vibe too. Amongst the bro-dude launch-like-this marketers on the internet there are also these eyelash-extension “I woke up like this; I retired my husband” types who have the ability to make folks feel as though we fall short the same way the pages of a glossy women’s magazine can.

I assured my friend that she’s never going to BE one of those folks she hopes not to be (and the perception others have of us is something we really cannot control) but noted that what I find interesting is that when we don’t want to BE a certain thing, we overload in the DOINGs.

These are totally different parts of our lives — being and doing — yet we try to solve the issue of whom we’d like to BE with an awful lot of DOING.

Enoughness just doesn’t work that way, y’all.

In Tuesday’s livestream, I’m going to lay out the five levels of enoughness — including sharing the specific qualities, symptoms, feelings to look for to know for sure at which level you’re living at any moment in time — and we’re gonna jam about how to boost that delightfully centered state of BEING by, you guessed it, DOING less.

(Don’t worry if you can’t join me live at 12pm PST over at Facebook, YouTube, or Periscope and/or Twitter; I will post a replay here for you.)

I’d like to invite you to take a moment to notice where you’re tossing an awful lot of DOINGs at any feelings you have about BEING any sort of way.

Just by stopping, taking a breath, reminding yourself that there’s no amount of DOING that can change who you are as a BEING — and that you, as you are right now, are enough — you can begin to undo wiring for (and start to heal) all sorts of perfectionism, overwhelm, anxiety, and simply not having all that much fun in your day-to-day life.

Ahh… what a wonderful experiment we’re embarking upon!

You’re with me for this, right?

See you soon!

’til then, share your thoughts in the comments below.

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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