Please send out some good little kitty vibes to Ms. Thwok.
Sweet little girl went to the doc at 6:45am to have her girl-parts tied up. Aw.
Tiny bit of trauma among the adult kitties, as they know what the carrier is for and they didn’t enjoy seeing/hearing her being put into it. Since they’ve “come around,” they’ve not left my side. Aw.
Sweet babies.
Thwok will be home after 1pm. Will report later.
PS — Hollywood Happy Hour effin’ rocked! GREAT turnout, wonderful guests, awesome, amazing, fun time! Rockstar!
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Awwwwwww. I’m not exactly a “cat person” (am allergic, sigh…), but that is one CUTE kitty. Hope all goes well at the vet today.
Thwok is the most adorable kitty I’ve ever seen. She reminds me of the best cat I ever had, Tom, who was gray with a white neck and paws too. I wish her (and y’all and the other kitties) well.