Little Kitty Vibes

Please send out some good little kitty vibes to Ms. Thwok.

Click for larger view.

Sweet little girl went to the doc at 6:45am to have her girl-parts tied up. Aw.

Tiny bit of trauma among the adult kitties, as they know what the carrier is for and they didn’t enjoy seeing/hearing her being put into it. Since they’ve “come around,” they’ve not left my side. Aw.

Sweet babies.

Thwok will be home after 1pm. Will report later.

PS — Hollywood Happy Hour effin’ rocked! GREAT turnout, wonderful guests, awesome, amazing, fun time! Rockstar!

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  1. hannah January 5, 2005 at 9:36 am

    Awwwwwww. I’m not exactly a “cat person” (am allergic, sigh…), but that is one CUTE kitty. Hope all goes well at the vet today.

  2. courtney January 5, 2005 at 5:18 pm

    Thwok is the most adorable kitty I’ve ever seen. She reminds me of the best cat I ever had, Tom, who was gray with a white neck and paws too. I wish her (and y’all and the other kitties) well.