
So, I watched my first ever episode of The OC and I’m seeing shades of Aaron Spelling all over the place! Man, how I miss Beverly Hills, 90210! Are these kids REALLY playing 17/18?? Wow!

Of course, I’ve tuned in to see my friend (and co-author) Blake Robbins do some killer-type stuff and to finally see those hypnotic eyebrows Chip has spoken of (and, Chip, why are your archives password protected??).

There’s some Election vibe going on in the classroom. That’s cool. I’d probably have loved this, had I started watching at the beginning. I wonder if I’m hooked now.


Next week, Blake’s on again, so it’ll only be AFTER the 29th that I know for sure. Do like these “valley girl”-sounding girls, though! A little Heathers-esqueness, methinks.

Gosh, but they talk so Dawson’s Creek!

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