Wow. So awesome. We had prereads for Perfect on Tuesday. Rockstar. Of course, there were the random double-confirmed NO SHOWS that I KNOW people who have worked their asses off to get in front of these agents would like to throttle. Of course, there were one or two unprofessional freakshows. But overall, the group of people we saw Tuesday was just OUTSTANDING. Some very talented people. And, without question, my wonderful actor/friends who came to help out with the preread process are some of the BEST people on the planet. Mitchell, Pamela, Rachel, Debra, Ashley… and OF COURSE Keith; thank you!! Wow. I am so blessed.
As I always say, when casting, it’s an embarrassment of riches, how much talent is out there. (Credit where credit is due: I learned that term, applied to casting, for the first time in an interview with casting legend Jane Jenkins in 2000.)
I was able to make a couple of offers today, plus do some follow-up with star-names who already have offers on certain roles. Good stuff. All really, really good stuff.
We’ll do callbacks next week, offer a handful of roles after that, and hold on three roles ’til May. I am very excited for what lies ahead. Some really happy, splendid stuff going on.
Of course, I got overheated in the casting space we rented (what is with this 90-degree heat wave in March??) and had to go on migraine watch for a day or so. I was able to attend the viewing party for Significant Others, which was amazing (both the show and the party. Could have some very cool stuff brewing with an executive producer for a show in development at Showtime I spent some time with. Will follow up at a standup/scouting thing on Friday that a small group from that party will be attending. Shall be rockstar. No question about it.
Came home to a follow-up email from the King of Queens costar I hung out with last week. He is definitely interested in negotiating for casting at his new theatre company. Another email was from a producer/director who said the good folks at SAG Indie recommended me to cast his feature film.
I now have too many casting options to handle. I’m going to have to turn something down. Wow. Whodathunk it?
Salema Update
She-kitty is much better, thank you! She wishes we would stop with the every-12-hours dose of liquid antibiotics thing, but the pain has obviously waned, so we’ve stopped with the pain-killer dose. She appreciates that. Her brother has resumed pounce-attacks on her when she’s bathing, so he must sense that we’re in the clear too. Love those kitties!!
Online Friend
We finally get to meet, in person, Mare from Somesuch-Whatnot. Rose and I will be headed out to do some touristy things with Mare and her friend Cindy on Thursday. I think this now makes Rose the person on the Somesuch-Whatnot list who has met the most other Somesuch-Whatnot list members. Tee hee.
Back To Work
Hope that’s a sufficient update for the next few days. Busy busy busy, which is good… and so damn excited about so many things.
Oh! We’ve announced the lineup for the next Hollywood Happy Hour. Get those reservations in! We’re all-systems-GO for April 6th, 6pm. Woo dang hoo!!
Okay… now… signing off. Really. 😉
“Perfect” Is Becoming More Perfect
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