Some folks don’t need much proof that something can be done in order to try it for themselves.

Others need to see someone succeed… and that *someone* needs to be a lot like them in a lot of ways… for them to believe success is possible for them too.

Role models are helpful people! They give us someone to look up to as we go through the twists and turns of our lives, trusting if they got through it all, maybe we can as well.

I sometimes work with creatives who want my help finding folks to look to — people who ARE that proof of possibility — but the thing is, when you look around and can’t find anyone like you doing the things you want to do and succeeding at ’em, it doesn’t mean your work is to keep looking to try and find this unicorn of a person out there!

It means your role model is YOU.

More importantly, it means you’re the role model to the person coming up behind you in this life, looking for proof of possibility.

You are — in their life — exactly the kind of inspiration you’re seeking in yours.

What can you do to drop breadcrumbs down a path for someone who really needs to find them?

Keep a blog? Do regular video diaries? Write a book? Tweet about it? Share your story with someone who aspires to be exactly where you are someday?

(Share with me in the comments below. I’d love to know!)
(Or share my tweet about this. Or my Instagram post.)

And if your reaction is to think about how far away you feel from your goals right now, two things:

1. Stop that. “Past you” is so impressed with how far you’ve come. Really own your progress! It’s inspiring!
2. Consider joining me for a Zoom party in which we’re gonna build our vision boards together from a whole new perspective.

That’s a way that I can support you as you — possibly for the first time — align your goals and dreams with the wisdom and power that’s already tucked into your being. Gifts you came in with, at your birth! You’ve got the recipe for EASE in following your dreams… right there in your astrological chart.

Bonnie Gillespie's Astrology Vision Board Party!

Part arts-and-crafts workshop, part dance party, and part woo-woo goodness, we’ll gather on November 27th for SO MUCH FUN! All the info on my Astrology Vision Board Party is here. (Yes, you’ll have access to replays. Yes, there’s a phenomenal workbook to help you prep. Yes, you can be totally new to the woo and still get a ton out of this experience. Yes, I am over the moon with excitement to get to share this powerful work with you!)

Okay, back to the creative cave I go! We have an eclipse coming up this week. If the world is feeling INTENSE right now… yeah. It is. Breathe. Go easy on yourself for feeling all the feels. #ScorpioSeason. Do some decluttering. You’re shifting on a cellular level and it’s unsettling. Good. That’s how butterflies feel when they’re not yet butterflies but definitely no longer caterpillars. It’s terrifying and glorious.

You’ve got this!

Connect in the comments below. Grab your spot in my vision board workshop. Give yourself a hug.

You’re my role model. Truly.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Michelle Silva November 16, 2021 at 9:28 am

    Hi Bonnie,
    I’ve been a fan for a number of years. You are MY ROLE MODEL!
    I keep your book on my bedside and read/refer to it religiously.
    This past year has exploded creatively for me!
    Question, please. Is the Astrology Vision Board Party one-on-one?
    My daughter is turning 16 on December 6th, and she asked to get her chart read.
    Do you read charts one-on-one?
    Thanks so much!
    Michelle L. Silva

    1. Bonnie Gillespie November 16, 2021 at 12:38 pm

      Hello Michelle (and daughter)!! Hooray for the Sagittarius sweet 16! So exciting!

      Yes, I do one-on-one astrology consultations. You can book a half-hour at and we’ll get the scheduling happening from there (the session includes a You in the Stars report for reading the natal chart in easy-to-consume language). The session is on Zoom, live, and recorded for your daughter to watch back later as well.

      The Astrology Vision Board Party is a group experience (also on Zoom, also live, also recorded to watch back later). I hope y’all will come to the party to make the most of the explosion of creative energy you’re experiencing this year!!

      Thank you for the kind words about Self-Management for Actors and how it’s been a part of your creative journey. I so appreciate knowing that — and I look forward to jamming with you and your daughter too!

  2. Asa November 17, 2021 at 9:25 am

    Bonnie!!! I sooo needed this. On some level, this is why I started my podcast. It forces me to document my journey. It has also shown me how much of a role model I am to people around me. In a way, it has given them permission to chase their dreams. I can remember growing up searching for someone that looked like me and mirrored my life experiences. Sure, I was able to find bits and pieces from multiple people, but I never really found one person that showed me that everything I want is possible.

    1. Bonnie Gillespie November 17, 2021 at 9:27 am

      Yesssssssss! This is exactly it! Well done, Asa and thank you for all you’re doing to inspire those who NOW have a fabulous example — in you — that it is possible!!! Lighthouse, lady!


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