Thank you for joining us for Episode 0804 of The Work. Interview with Anna Vocino: Actor Anna Vocino rocks your voiceover world with resources galore (check the ~20m and ~45m spots specifically), with showbiz myth-busting,…
Posts tagged balance
The Work: Ep. 0803 — Interview with Rosalie Tenseth
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0803 of The Work. Interview with Rosalie Tenseth: Actor Rosalie Tenseth shares her thoughts on balance, details how more acting work showed up when she embraced her content…
What Shingles Are Teaching Me About Stress Management
It started Friday, June 3rd. Welp, it may have started before then, as I was finding myself quite fatigued in the last days of May. I was sleeping a lot — sometimes 10, 12, even…
The Work: Ep. 0802 — Interview with Jenn Page
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0802 of The Work. Interview with Jenn Page: Director Jenn Page shares her thoughts on balance, how saying no to work leads to work, the hustle, and the…
Celebrating the Wrong
This post is gonna have a lot of awesome family photos. Well… one specific photo, recreated in some form or fashion every year. Click any thumbnail to enbiggen. My glorious stepson Quinn has been doing…
Unplugging 101
Recently at our Self-Management for Actors Facebook group, I mentioned going more and more off the grid. I was quickly asked to elaborate, as it seems quite a few folks fantasize about being less attached…
The Work: Ep. 0705 — Ikigai: Finding Your Life’s Purpose
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0705 of The Work. Download Here! Ikigai: Finding Your Life’s Purpose: What do you love? What does the world need? What can you be paid for? What are…
Ikigai: Finding Your Life’s Purpose
In my travels along the Internet, I bumped into this lovely concept called ikigai (your purpose, essentially) and of course shared it at our Facebook group. It was a big hit there. So… let’s take…
Fancy Folks Ain’t All That Fancy
I had noticed a pattern. I was sending emails and texts to my closest friends and I was saying things that I don’t normally say. Stuff about how hard things have been. Stuff about the…
It’s Not about Hustle; It’s about Aligned Hustle
A theme has been emerging in my Self-Management for Actors mastermind groups lately. Doesn’t matter if it’s an actor, a writer, a producer, a director, a fellow casting director, or a creative entrepreneur in the…