Before I get into how I unplugged from Facebook in late 2010, let me detail how I became Hyper-Connected, which will provide context for why unplugging has become so important to me now. I was…
Posts tagged bon’s life
Ulmer vs. Forbes vs. StarMeter
Hey Bonnie, I came across an article you wrote about the Ulmer’s list and Forbes Star Currency. Are these the same thing? I’ve been using Star Currency in hopes that accuracy is fine for money…
Get Organized
Sometimes I have so much to do that I can’t see straight for a moment. This wave of overwhelm hits and I have to focus on what needs to be done right now in order…
High Self-Esteem, Low Ego
A couple of months ago, I traveled back to my alma mater to give a talk about “Living Plan K.” I’ll get to a description of that talk’s content at the end of the piece….
SMFA on Tour and IMDb Age-Hiding
THANK YOU for live-streaming your book signing yesterday, so we non-locals could “be there” with you! When are you coming to New York? Signed, Your Biggest Fan Ah, thanks. I’m so glad you were able…
Your Wildest Dreams
I’ve written about Another Harvest Moon before. But I haven’t written — well, not here, anyway — about “my moment.” I did shoot a vid about it, but for those who haven’t seen that, I’ll…
Wanting It Is Not Enough
Every now and then, I’ll hear an actor say, “I’m going to make it because I want it more than the other guy does.” Nope. It doesn’t work like that. Sure, you may stay at…
When It Isn’t on the Page
An amazing indie film I cast, Another Harvest Moon, got international distribution through MarVista Entertainment a couple of weeks ago. We are elated! When a microbudget indie screens anywhere, there is rejoicing. As well there…
Lit Lessons
One of the things I do in my spare time (ha ha ha ha, OMG, I crack myself up. “Spare time!” That’s hilarious) is mentor for a wonderful organization called WriteGirl. (In fact, if you’re…