Not News: There’s a bit of fearlessness in us when we’re young. We’ve not yet had our light turned way down in an attempt to fit in. We’ve not yet been told what’s “impossible.” We’ve…
Posts tagged mindset
Why We Fail
Have you ever heard of something called “death by despair”? Eesh. Sounds really bad, right? Apparently, there’s a collection of CODs (causes of death) classified as “death by despair” and there are more of these…
Your Problem Child May Be a Leader
I had spent six years in a Montessori school. Starting from the earliest age they’ll start a child (2), I was learning how to learn. Learning how to lead. Learning how to explore whatever I…
Performing Arts Camp Is Where Your Enoughness Can Shine
I’ll never forget when I first heard of the Atlanta Workshop Players. It was 1985. I had a massive crush on Gary Martin. He rushed up to me after final bows in the school play…
1000 Days Sober
If you knew me before October 16, 2016, you would describe me as someone who could really hold her liquor. A power drinker. A good ol’ gal who knew how to have a good time….
Keith’s Film at Comic-Con and Upper-Limit Problems
There is nothing more clarity-inducing than witnessing someone else struggling through their own upper-limit problems in life. ⠀ When the sabotage is our own, we rarely see it ’til it’s over, when we’re examining the…
Believe the People Who Believe in You
In 2002, I nervously entered Du-par’s to meet the legendary author of Acting Is Everything, Judy Kerr. She had reached out to tell me she was a fan of my weekly column in Backstage. I…
Pushing Through Upper-Limit Problems
Today was hard. Not all of it, but parts of it. Tensions with the hubs as we talk through tech upgrades. Miscommunication with the extended team. Vendors showing up with too little too late. ⠀…
A Breakthrough About Our Enoughness Project
Ahh… I feel like I can exhale. 🕊 I’ve been facing mad resistance as I build the enoughness curriculum. Not because I don’t know what I want to teach, but because there’s so. much. of….
Creatives Are Leaders, Like It Or Not
One of the things I teach in our outstandingly badass 100-day membership program is that we — artists, creatives — are leaders. Look. I know “leader” is a word that makes some people cringe. Especially…