What career will suit your personality?

Nabbed from sm00bs, quiz lives at iVillage.
My results:

You would be very happy in a career that utilised your people skills. You want a career that allows you to stimulate your senses and your mind. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
* Actor
* Recruitment Consultant
* Politician
* Marketing
* Psychologist
* Religious Minister
* Teacher
* Social Worker
* Human Resources Manager
* Sales
* Lawyer
* Advertising
You are a great leader. You genuinely enjoy being around other people. Your relationships with others are very important to you. You love talking and meeting new people. You are very enthusiastic about work and about all that you do and have in your life.

You know how I loves me some quizzes!

This description is a generalisation. If it rings true, you’ve found your career type. If it doesn’t, return to the quiz, decide whether you answered truthfully, and not by what you think you should answer. Redo your answers and read your new results.
You would be very happy in a career that utilised your people skills. You want a career that allows you to stimulate your senses and your mind. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
* Actor
* Recruitment Consultant
* Politician
* Marketing
* Psychologist
* Religious Minister
* Teacher
* Social Worker
* Human Resources Manager
* Sales
* Lawyer
* Advertising
You are a great leader. You genuinely enjoy being around other people. Your relationships with others are very important to you. You love talking and meeting new people. You are very enthusiastic about work and about all that you do and have in your life. You love being the focus of attention. You enjoy a fast pace. You are very socially oriented. Therefore, you are much happier being with others than you are alone. You crave interaction with others.
You are very spontaneous and often act before you think. You are always quick to answer when you are asked a question, even if you aren’t sure of the answer. It is easier for you to improvise as you go along. You enjoy thinking out loud, and are most creative when brainstorming with friends or colleagues. You enjoy being involved in many activities.
You are very easy to read, and often wear your heart on your sleeve. You are never afraid to tell people what you think. You are very empathetic and genuine. You can sometimes be seen as over-emotional or too involved by others. But that is only because you tend to get so involved in the things you do that they become personal.
You want to be adored, loved and appreciated. You like to please others and to make sure people are happy.
You trust what is certain. You only like new ideas if they can be practically applied to the situation. You value what is real. You use your common sense. You like to utilise the skills you have instead of learning new ones. You are very specific and detailed when writing or talking to others. You follow directions well. You like things to be laid out for you to do instead of working them out for yourself. You like decisions to be made. You don’t like leaving things in limbo. You like to know what you are getting into before you commit to something.
You like to focus on the here and now. You enjoy completing projects. It is important for you to achieve and succeed. Therefore, you believe in working hard and playing later. You like to set goals and work towards them.

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  1. sm00bs April 23, 2005 at 7:31 am

    Gah. I hadn’t found that link of all your quizzes. I think I’m going to go cry now. I have a mess saved already. Now I’ll never be rid of this evil addiction!! Damn you, Bonnie. I love you. You’re my favorite enabler! :p

  2. Cliff April 24, 2005 at 1:13 pm

    I really shouldn’t do this. It only feeds the habit, but….
    I was Switzerland. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr. Boring, dependable, neutral. So lazy they didn’t even invent their own language.

  3. Jeannini-Nini April 25, 2005 at 2:09 pm

    Welll…I s’pose YOU’RE in the right profession, eh?
    I’m ignoring your quizzes link quite by choice. *gnawing on fingernails* must….resist….quiz…..page……….