Hello from Chicago!

Y’all know I’ve often said that casting is a list of problems and the actors who look like solutions get the parts.

In fact, all of PRODUCTION is a list of problems and the roles we have to cast are just a tiny sliver of the problem-solving that has to happen in order to get magic to come together.

How to become a booking machine?
Look like a solution.

Because when you’re in the room, auditioning, confidently displaying, “I’ve got this; this is what it looks like when I play with these words you’ve given me; you can relax about THIS because I’ve got this on lock,” you put the whole room at ease.

Now, here’s the REALLY important part about this, in the “book the room” territory:

Even if it’s not your role at this time, you’ve comforted the buyers in a way that makes them more invested in you for future roles. You’ve given us confidence that — of all the questions and all the stresses and all the unknowns in the world of putting together this or any future production — you’re GOOD. You’ve comforted us with your confidence.

Your confidence is a favor you do for US!

Coming in asking what we need or trying to figure out who we want you to be or second-guessing what your gut has already told you to create for us is just a way of teaching us you’re another concern. You’re a question mark. You’re unpredictable in a way that doesn’t solve a problem on that set or any future set and we were hired to find SOLUTIONS.

So, if you want to UP your bookings exponentially, work on your confidence (not just your craft). Here’s my favorite course on confidence from the amazing Mel Robbins. (We both get $15 off a course with this link.)

And of course, the greatest confidence booster is knowing you’re enough. 🙂 We’ll be working on that together for 100 days and more this summer. Joining us? I’ll be opening up the DOJO for your early homework experience this week! Ack! So excited!

Admin Note: Our awesome, ever-growing empire underwent some website upgrades this weekend, one of them involving our “Shop SMFA” environment. The amazing Team Cricket Feet is still doing some tweaking, but what we know happened at some point in the weekend is that the new store started sending out sales receipts for something in the neighborhood of 300,000 transactions from YEARS ago back when we first started using an online store!


Please know if you received an email thanking you for your 2012 purchase (or whenever), it’s not a new charge. It’s not a compromised data situation. It’s nothing more than the new store environment taking the history of all sales in our Self-Management for Actors world and making sure everything is marked as CLOSED in the new store, which is apparently something that includes a notification of the completed transaction.

Yes, the team is currently trying to STOP whatever number of the hundreds of thousands of emails that HAVEN’T yet queued to send, but in the meantime, some emails did go out, and that’s why. Growth! 🙂 Thanks for your patience with this awesome upgrade!

Woo-Woo Note: Uranus enters Taurus today (until 2026). Now, Uranus loves to throw things into chaos. What this means is, starting today, it’s a GREAT time for change. If you’ve felt painted into a corner or less-than-free in any way, this energy shift is about to give you that POP on the base of a ketchup bottle you’ve been knowing you needed to feel.

With Taurus having a lot to do with material things and representations of love, this is when that relationship shakeup you’ve been craving might finally happen… and your bank account could finally start to show a LOT more freedom for you based on what changes you decide to lean into (vs. push against).

Personally, I never push against change (for very long). I actually try to get out ahead of it. So I’ve been asking myself for months what FREEDOM is in my life. What represents true freedom. And I’m soooooooo poised to make the most out of this planetary shift with no resistance!

Whatever change you’re ready for (or not ready for) do your best these first few days of the new rhythm to NOT PANIC about anything — especially where love and money are concerned. Lean into what makes you feel free. Breathe. And settle in for nearly eight years of some of the best ATTRACTION potential you’ve ever experienced!

(If you want to read more about this, I like this piece. It also breaks down a tweet-length “what to expect” sign by sign. Be sure to check your rising sign too while you’re there!)

Scheduling Note: I’m headed to New York in just a few hours and I’m in town for more than a week before I head to Toronto! I do still have a handful of slots on my coaching calendar so be sure to connect with my team about setting something up if you’ve been hankering to work together in person!

So! Freakin’! Excited! For this time we’ll share! 🙂

All my travel-bug love, lovebug!


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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