Another Heat Holiday in the books.

Got a lot of Creative Cave work done. Slept well. Stayed sober and Whole30 compliant and didn’t have too high a pain spike.


I am so grateful we started budgeting for these local stays when it’s too risky to my health to be in our no-A/C home.

bonnie gillespie oct 2 2020 heat holiday shore hotel santa monica masked up

In 2018, pain spikes sent me to the ER three times and had me hospitalized for three days and had me on more than three months of bedrest. These days, $1000 on a hotel means I not only DON’T put myself through that scary pain stuff, risking that level of relapse, it also means I can create things in my business that will bring in many times over what the hotel stay costs.


Even got a late checkout today so I didn’t miss a moment of #shmillie Money Church with my coaching soulmate Natalie Miller. We talked about the value of FIRING clients that are not the right fit for where we are headed. That’s always tough at first because we remember when we *were* aligned with them and we remember how relieved we were to get those early clients who believed in us… even before we believed in ourselves.

But cutting loose those wrong-fit last-tier folks is like a MAGNET for the right people. Ones who value us at a level that is like the red carpet, leading to our highest enoughness.



Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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