Recently, I’ve been using a very exciting tool in my business and in my life. It’s called: “How do I want to feel?” and I use it liberally.

Like most of you, I always have a BUNCH of projects in development, a LOAD of to-do list items waiting for my checkmarks in checkboxes, and WAY too much vying for my attention at any given time to feel truly relaxed.


Isn’t this MY life? That *I* chose? And isn’t part of the reason we CHOSE creative careers so we could live by our own rules?

Isn’t part of that early-on-in-the-journey struggle specifically *so* we can, at some point, exhale and enjoy and bask in the awesomeosity of the momentum we created?

Of course, my theory is that we should — at any point in the journey (if not at EVERY point along the journey) — really be enjoying ourselves. Certainly, more frequently than we take advantage of it, we DO have the ability to have more fun along the way.

For example, if you know you need to update your show bible (Who doesn’t?) and you also need to put some content out on social media to build your brand (Ugh… not AGAIN.) and there’s this really great scene you want to dig in on for your craft class… but you keep feeling as though that would be eating dessert first and you SHOULD do the harder, less-fun stuff first, right?

Not so fast, there!

Take a sec and ask yourself — when it comes to your business, your relationships, your LIFE — “How do I want to feel?” and see if perhaps the answer leads you to dig on something that, sure, may be the “easy thing” on your list. Maybe it’s the “most fun” to do. Maybe the grown-up, responsible thing to do IS the broccoli of the list… but who says we have to be the most grown-up, responsible, broccoli-eating versions of ourselves ALL THE DAMN TIME?!?

Who says it’s unfair to simply feel GOOD as much of the time as is humanly possible?

I had this convo with some of my business-building clients (INFO HERE) recently. Someone referred to how she’s spending her “hard-earned money” on something specific for her budding business of passive-income goodies.

“Why does it have to be HARD-EARNED MONEY?” I asked. “Why can’t it be joyfully-earned money?”

There was an a-ha moment like you wouldn’t believe.

What if the whole point of working for ourselves or putting up with that side-hustle/thrival job dance is to find what FEELS BEST, EVER and just do more of that?

And what if, through doing more of that, we attract way more of the prosperity and abundance we think we’re hustling toward when we’re busting ass to work through those times when we feel like crap about doing anything other than getting out of bed?

Just something to consider.

Share your thoughts with me just below! Let’s undertake a bit of an experiment together, shall we?

I’m game if you are! (Hell, I’m game either way, really. I *like* feeling good as often as possible and don’t need challenges to help me choose that. But if *you* do, I’m here for you.)

Let’s DO this,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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  1. Alex Ryan July 27, 2020 at 9:05 pm

    This should come as NO surprise to you but I LURVED this!

    1. TBG_Erin July 28, 2020 at 1:55 pm


  2. TKay July 27, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    Hey I’m not talking about this on social, but I am inspired to here because I’ve been living this creed as of late because I got a life-threatening illness diagnosis during quarantine and nothing makes you more aware of how much there is to appreciate right now and how delay-gratification doesn’t fucking serve anything than thinking life might be shorter than you ever thought growing up. Keep spreading this vibe, Bonnie, so more people can craft their grateful realities without a diagnosis. We can feel that way now.

    1. TBG_Erin July 28, 2020 at 1:56 pm

      Sending so much love to you, Tonya. ❤

    2. Kathleen July 28, 2020 at 8:26 pm

      Thank you for this reminder, I needed to hear this.

    3. Bonnie Gillespie August 3, 2020 at 4:25 pm

      Yesssssssss, ma’am! I love you so much and continue to be inspired by you, now and always! XO


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