I’ve crossed everything off my list, plus subbed to every RSS feed (of interest) I could find (though I’m not *quite* sure what that RSS thingy means), and I’ve sent all of the potential local…
Posts Published by bonblogs
How Cute Are We!
First feedback from an actor interviewed in Acting Qs… none other than the amazing Stephon Fuller: Click for big. What say he? I am really enjoying the book. While I was on set Saturday, I…
How Excited Am I?
Super-duper excited. Look at the present GSN is getting me for my birthday! From the press release: [GSN] has picked up repeats of all seven editions of the show that have aired on CBS, plus…
Further Updates
And here are today’s updates, as of this moment. I have a script to read, offers to fax, feedback to provide [still dragging feet on this one], bills to pay, books to sign [ended up…
List Thus Far
Updates to the list thus far: I have a script to read [read enough to know I’ll accept the offer to cast it tomorrow], a column to write, offers to fax [got authorization for dollar…
T-minus 30 Days
I’d better get used to the idea. Yup. Only 30 days left of 34. :\ Better get going on those New Year’s Resolutions (or, rather, what it is I want to take into my new…
Sooo Tempting
Okay, so, over on one of the many forums where I post, someone posted a comment to a guy who’d behaved in a very charming way. She said: I swear, I want to bare your…
Short-Notice Gathering
If you were involved with this: and you’re free tomorrow evening, meet me at: (or post a comment here/send an email to let me know you want to join us and I’ll be less cryptic…
He’s Here!
Okay, so today Quinn arrived for his annual visit. I’m in heaven already! from the 2004 visit Keith brought Quinn to the acting class I was teaching (just the last five minutes of class) and…