Bleecker vs. Bleeker

Oy! You’re kidding me!
This is getting really frustrating.
I am pretty sure this street is spelled Bleecker, based on my research. That said, I have been able to find a kajillion places where it’s also spelled Bleeker.
And people are VERY sure when they tell me how it’s spelled, either way.
As it now stands, the book went to print with Bleecker as the spelling, when an actor mentioned Bleecker in his interview.
Right on? Big mess? No biggie? What? Weigh in, blog-readers. (And could I get away with “B’lker” in the book? Hee hee.)
PS–Have much to say on other issues, but way too busy to blog in detail, at present. Hang in there. There’s gooooooood stuff to share. Woo hoo!

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  1. Julie-O April 27, 2005 at 1:50 pm

    Bleeker or Bleecker…?
    I went to Mapquest and entered “151 Bleeker Street, NY, NY” (the address of the Red Lion, who spells it “Bleeker”) and Mapquest said they couldn’t find that address, however it suggested “151 Bleecker Street”, which ended up being the same place.
    I would say, for the sake of arguement, “Bleecker”.

  2. Aimercat April 27, 2005 at 11:03 pm

    I say talk to the New Yorkers you know and conduct a strictly non-scientific poll.

  3. Jeannini-Nini May 2, 2005 at 3:49 pm

    Honestly, that book is so freakin’ AMAZING, NOBODY would care.