Back to basics.

The faded bookmark inside this treasured #LouiseHay book I’ve had since 1990 is from the peer tutoring service at which I started working in undergrad. Before that, I was a peer tutor in high school. In gradeschool, I was given the job of tutoring during the classes I had tested out of thanks to Montessori. I have *always* been a teacher. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I trust that this physical journey I’m on will soon reveal what it is that I’m meant to teach from having experienced it: that we are in charge of our own healing. Always and in all ways. 🧘🏽‍♀️🔮💫

So while I may have massive ire over what’s been taken from me: my strength, my fitness, my level of activity, my vitality, my lifestyle, my connection with others, my security — it is all here to teach me that surrender is more powerful than fear. That my ability to heal is miraculous. And that my purpose in sharing this is so someone else on this journey may feel less alone. 💗

My homework now is to feel through the repressed feelings I used to deal with through food, through alcohol, through busyness. This physical disruption has dictated that I don’t have the ability to use my most effective addiction (WORK) to distract me anymore.

And that means this is when the *real* work begins. The biggest addiction has always been helping others first… and I have to stop making that a priority now.

If you happen to find value in what I share, that’s wonderful. But I can no longer put others’ needs first. I realize doing THAT was far more damaging than any vodka, than any sugar, than any to-do list I let be the boss of me for so long.

My NO line is about to become more bold than ever before. I am quite literally about to practice what I preach.

#selfcare #selfcaresunday #AbrahamHicks #JohnSarno #MindBody #UpperLimitProblem #sober #soberachievers #SMFAninjas #IAmEnough

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Laura April 24, 2018 at 8:02 am

    So proud of you, beautiful. Thank you for sharing your journey! Happy Healing!

  2. Jonte April 24, 2018 at 9:01 am

    Thank you. That NO line is legit! Hold the line. As always sending you love and support!


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