Yep. Sunday is the day we begin no-carb-ing. Ugh. But it must be. My body is suffering. I took care of the pain of losing Mom two years ago by eating. Everything. I know that’s better than having chosen to resume smoking or to bring back a good ol’ addiction, but it’s now been (almost) two years and I’ve turned a coping mechanism into a habit. Time to rewire my metabolism and–after MUCH research–I’ve decided Atkins is the way. Dinner with Amy the other day really worked it out for me. She is the self-proclaimed poster child for Atkins. I’d learned that via email, but to see her in the flesh, looking better than she did when I met her nine years ago, really put it in perspective.
I’m told that I should expect to be extremely cranky over the next ten days. Woo hoo! Get ready, folks. (Poor, poor Keith.)
I chose Sunday as the start-day because of Michelle’s party tonight. She is such an amazing chef and hostess. Well…I’m not at the party. So, my “farewell to carbs” meal is a leftover half of a BLT with avocado on sourdough from lunch and some ice water. I’m sure the spiced cider and finger foods would’ve been better, but this is good too.
Got Christmas presents wrapped and packaged for mailing. Next up, Christmas cards. Ho ho ho!
I was interviewed on KRLA tonight during Back Stage Live. That was really very nice of the hosts RJ and Rob. We talked about the book and my take on the whole casting director workshop issue, the new state guidelines, and whether any of that really means change. Pretty cool little gig. Loves me some radio!
Met with a super online friend for lunch today. She’s going to write a section of the new book for me and also collaborate on Hollywood Happy Hour when that gears up. Very cool. She’s a host for a shopping network, right now, but she is back and forth to LA for various projects. I’m pretty excited for what she’s up to and what she brings to the proverbial table for our future collaborations.
Tomorrow is one year since Keith proposed to me. Wow. What a year this has been! I am happy. It’s a tough month, but I’m happy. I have everything I need and want in life and more. I know my mom is proud of me. I feel her with me when I write, when I moderate a panel for a room full of actors, when I wake up to realize there are kitties sleeping on me–Mom’s kitties. So sweet.
“If 1999 was the year that changed movies, 2000 was the year that reminded us why movies needed changing in the first place.” [Joni, from DeadLaszlo’s Oscar Picks Edition, 2001]
Bye Bye, Bread
(Visited 82 times, 1 visits today)
so now I’m thinking the care package of cookies and fudge I was GOING to send you is probably not the best nor nicest of ideas after all. Eff
[originally posted from IP: on 12.15.02 – 9:45 am]
Aw… how sweet!
Girl, you do what you want to do. I understand fudge freezes beautifully, so I’m not stressing.
[originally posted on 12.15.02 – 9:49 am]