is here.
Browsing Category Ramblings
I think I must
have a puggle. The cats won’t mind, right?
Highlights for Music Junkies
I’ve been working on this over at the blog of my musical soulmate, Leemsy. Don’t read our answers there (in his comments section) until you’ve looked it over on your own and come up with…
Strange Behavior
People are… strange. Keith and I went for a walk and early dinner, then a walk back home. It was probably before 6pm and I’d guess it was around 58 degrees out (seeing as it’s…
Oh, and…
Happy birthday, Liz!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
One of these days…
I shall take some downtime. No, really.
Um, hi… yeah.
Remember me? Well, you’re lucky. I sure as hell don’t! Didja ever notice there are certain people who just really rub you the wrong way? Do you sometimes notice there are more-than-the-average-number of people rubbing…
So Proud of Myself
I’m seriously proud of myself. Starting at 6:30pm PST yesterday, I began my 24 hours of documentation of “A Day in the Life of Bon” per instructions at Chip’s blog. I remember the results of…
Losing My Touch
This is what happens when an HTML junkie begins to age… She can’t fix code on a page she’s been maintaining for over six years. Yup. Something went wonky and I can’t fix it. Can’t….