Five years ago Saturday, I clocked in on my first day of work as casting coordinator for AFRS (Another F’ing Reality Show) for Fox. Previously, I had cast a play here and there, I had…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Actor Convention Scam
Hi Bonnie- I recently discovered an Internet scam which bilks actors out of $1200 and I wanted to make you aware of it in hopes you will share it on your weekly column. is…
More Gimmicks
So, in looking over the emails I’ve received regarding last week’s piece on Gimmicks, it occurred to me that I should elaborate on some of the good gimmicks out there, as I really only touched…
Feedback on Taped Auditions and Attrition
So, last week, we took a look at an email from an actor who was hoping to score an audition for Shrek the Musical. We talked both about the timing of sides showing up at…
Putting Yourself on Tape for Auditions
Hi Bonnie, I had a quick question to ask you. I am trying to get myself an audition for Shrek the Musical, and I’ve sent in a submission to the casting director (Tara Rubin) and…
The Company You Keep
Tell me what company you keep and I’ll tell you what you are. — Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) I’m casting a pretty big film right now. Biggest of my career. Those who’ve followed my work…
Thank You for Directional Networking
Wow! Y’all liked Directional Networking, didn’t you? Cool! Here’s just a few of the emails generated by last week’s column. Thanks for the feedback, and for the great examples of Directional Networking going on in…
Being Open
Acting coaches will tell their students to “be open.” To be a vessel for the writer’s words. To be an instrument of storytelling for the director’s vision. To listen to a scene partner whose interpretation…
Colored Contacts in Headshots?
Hi Bonnie! Love your column, thank you so much for the new info every week. I’m getting ready to take headshots and I’ve been searching through your archives for any input on colored contacts. I…