Checking In Before Checking Out

Keith’s mom died last week. It’s a relief. She’d been hanging on through two strokes, two heart attacks, kidney failure, lung cancer, and end-stage diabetes for far far far too long.
Now it’s the family stuff. Oh, man… Poor baby Keith.
Honestly, I’m better–emotionally–now that his mom has gone on than I was while she fought and struggled to hold on. That brought up too many old ghosts for me. In a sad piece of irony, just as happened to me the day my mother passed away, Keith had a flight home scheduled for just hours after she would end up dying. I have to believe that neither of us were meant to be at our mothers’ side while she died… but I also have to admit that it hurts like hell to have been anywhere else at that moment, knowing we were both on our way there at the time.
Sunday, we will drive up the coast. I’ve never done that before, so we’re taking the rental car the long way… up the PCH and across the Golden Gate Bridge. I look forward to that part of the day. Then come all the things I dread–but nowhere near the level that Keith must dread them–for so many reasons. Ugh.
And then we head back Monday.
Happily, I will be an industry judge at The Best of FEM that evening. Keith was more reluctant to miss out on it than I. He needs to get back to normal and that showcase of outstanding female talent in this town is a ritual for us. He needs it.
The outpouring of generous support during this time from friends and mere acquaintances has been outstanding. We really do have a majestic group of friends and associates. We are very blessed to live as we do.
Ah. Yes. Live. Let’s do that.
Keith’s episode of Lingo aired this week. That means that he and Rich should each see $2500 checks next week or so. Even though I knew they won, it was a nail-biter, as gameshows go. I’m such a sucker in the audience!
The casting director panel Wednesday night was, simply stated, rock star good. I couldn’t have asked for a better mix of people… and this time there were more actors in attendance than ever before: 150 by my count, and I couldn’t even see everyone there. Sadly, the owner of the bookstore is going to have to take RSVPs for the next event (March 26th), as we’re really violating firecode, at this point.
I now totally get why it is that unscrupulous people in this town gouge actors for the “privilege” of getting to see casting directors. The demand is there. Forget it. I’m keeping these things free as long as there’s room to put ’em up and folks in casting willing to do them for free. As it stands now, that could be a long long long time. Fine by me. I love moderating these panels.
Color me the next Oprah Winfrey, baby. I got goals!
Hollywood Happy Hour is chugging along nicely. We got an amazing new corporate sponsor and the enthusiasm (and RSVPs) from our soon-to-be fans is building steadily. Very excited to get this up and running on March 6th!
I’ll spend a week working at the paper when we get back from NoCal. That’s always nice for a change of pace. Once that week is done, it’s time for the final planning, goodie bag-stuffing, sound-recording logistics, and program creating/printing/folding to take place. Can’t wait! It’s like throwing a big party, but not having to clean anything up after. Woo hoo!
Stuart’s book is edited an on its way to the printer. Can’t believe that means my second book is next up. Yikes! Still so much to do! Labor of love, labor of love, labor of love!
Oh, we received a check today from a bookseller in New York. He’d been in town here for a conference in early January and we gave him a case of books to sell back in New York. They all sold! Already! So…
I guess I have to admit this book is good. Thing is, my big, crying moment was when the University of Illinois picked the book up. That would’ve been the accomplishment that most filled my mother with pride. That’s her kind of glory.
Thanks, Mom, for staying with me on this journey.

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