I Love News Like This

Saw this on the news Thursday morning and have been meaning to post about it. Really cool.
From the story (linked to photo, above):

The medieval old town of the Estonian capital, Tallinn, will be brightened up for four long winter nights this week by 10,000 lights, hoisted above the city on 500 helium-filled weather balloons.


The semi-permanent art installation, called the Light Dome, will illuminate the city every night for three hours from Thursday to Sunday.

Since SAD is such a big part of life in a place with such a loooooong winter, this concept is not only beautiful, but a wonderful contribution to a mental health issue. I love that!

In February, night falls at about 4:30pm in Estonia, the northernmost of the Baltic countries, and lasts about 16 hours, with the sun not rising again until about 8:30am.

If you can find it, look for the video of these candle things being released. Absolutely gorgeous! And touching.

The smoky effect will be created by special candles used in firework displays, set on nearby roofs. “These candles are also used in the film industry to make fog. They are used to intensify firework effects, but do not produce fireworks themselves, but rather an ephemeral, mysterious atmosphere,” Valk explained.


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1 Comment

  1. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 11:24 am

    That is….AMAZING.
    I really believe in SAD. Whenever we have unusually long amounts of clouds and rain, it really starts to affect me…I can’t even IMAGINE what people in those regions must feel…at least with clouds and rain, there still is *some* sun.