With all apologies to Mama Ru, I’m pretty sure this quote ends wrong.

RuPaul’s version: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else? (Can I get an amen?)”

Mine: “If you can’t love yourself, OF COURSE everything you’ve ever done to try and market yourself to your buyers never lands right. You’re actively role-modeling to them ‘DON’T LOVE ME’ while asking them to love you. How’s that supposed to work, honey?”

Okay, okay, so Ru’s is catchier, but c’mon. You know mine is right, right?

Here we all are, actively doing what it takes to be seen, to build up the KLT factor (that’s the know-like-trust factor), to get on the radar of those whose problems we solve with our talents… all the while running some inner monologues with lines like “don’t see me” and “I don’t even like myself” and “I suck.”

Lovely, lovely soul. If you are anything but your *own* biggest fan, that’s the crack in your enoughness where the discord exists between WHAT YOU’RE SELLING and WHO YOU ARE. (And buyers? We can totally feel that. We may not know what it is, but we know it’s uncastable.)

If you don’t believe you’re worthy of YOUR investment, how are you ever gonna book that next-tier role off OUR investment?

I have ideas for you, when it comes to fortifying that resting state of enoughness. To building up the KLT factor within yourself. To becoming your own #1 fan so you can start aligning with buyers who will want to fight you for that #1 fan position. 😉 What a wonderful shift! Let’s get you shifted, shall we?

Join me for my next livestream, Tuesday the 29th here at 12pm PDT (translate that time to your local time here), as I walk you through my KLT score, so you’ll know exactly which of those areas needs fortifying so you can finally experience better results on the receiving end of all that good brand-building work you’re doing. [REPLAY BELOW]

(Still need to build your brand a bit? Get rolling on my FREE email training series here. You’ll love it!)

See y’all on the livestream (and yes, there will be a replay [scroll down]). Bring your questions and let’s jam!

Much love from a gal whose KLT is #BigOl5 status!


Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

Replay: The Secret! How’s your KLT factor? Bonnie Gillespie’s Enoughness 101

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