
Weirdness at the pet-sitting corral…
Today a neighbor knocked on the inside-of-the-garage door to let me know the garage had been open for a few hours. WHAT?!?
I tried to figure out what combination of buttons or switches I’d pushed that made the garage door open and couldn’t. Yet the door was open. What had happened?!?
Luckily, said neighbor said, “It’s a good neighborhood. You’re safe,” but still I felt a little weirded out. No one who has ever been assaulted in any way likes being told there’s an all-access pass in the ‘hood. Ever.
Otherwise, life is good. Working. Busy. Love it!

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1 Comment

  1. Bon July 23, 2004 at 2:29 pm

    Yes, and as you’d expect, I’ve gotten up every hour to check the garage. *eye roll* This is fun! 😉