Posting from Hotlanta

So, I’m now posting from Newnan (I’ll just call it Hotlanta for those unfamiliar with the geography of the metro area and beyond).
Athens was rockstar. Actually went really really well. In addition to having a great speaking thingy at UGA’s drama department, I got my second tattoo “refreshed,” as the color was fading. Pretty dang cool. Also flirting with the idea of taking the UGA folks up on their offer to have me come back each semester for a couple of weeks of teaching. Mom would be so proud. Wow.
While I’m here at Dad’s getting some Internet access, in addition to finding that it may be way way way difficult to get on a plane to NY Monday, I’m checking out Wolfesden and therefore finding something amazing like… a cool quiz.
What Oscar will I win? Animation? Yeah, that’s what they say. Why? Because I like to wear jeans to work. Hee hee.
Okay… time to conquer the Delta thingy. Wish me luck!

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  1. Joni February 21, 2004 at 7:30 am

    I’ll win for Screenwriting. Figures 🙂

  2. kelley February 21, 2004 at 11:57 am

    Hey! We can’t get a sitter until 6:30, which means we won’t be at twist until 7… hope you can wait for us!!!!