Okay, so the website updates are going well. I’m pretty happy with some of the design work I’m doing and I hope I’ll have it all up in short order (but not like a cook… you know).
First, I must let the world see this site (at its humble beginnings) that will someday be true greatness. It’s Mugshots.org. The Hollywood section is my favorite, natch. Of course, I’m very sad that the Bert is Evil website has been taken down. Aside from that *insert moment of silence* this was a good discovery by Cool-Ass Norm of Somesuch-Whatnot.
We’re going out to shoot pool with friends tonight. Can’t wait! It’s been far far far too long!
Lucy made the move to her new address (Lucy is the server, duh) without incident! Yay, Chip! You rock!
My last big insomniatic (is that a word) push yielded the beta version of the website for Hollywood Happy Hour, which we’ll launch (the event, not the site) on March 6th. Really really really really excited!
Next casting director panel at Take One on February 12th. Man… there is just so much going on right now… and I’m not even touching on the big stuff. Really.
Just wow. 2003. It’s. The. Year.
Progress, Not Perfection
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