Hello beautiful people. First things first: If you are not experiencing the totally FREE SMFA Summit, you are missing out. Full stop.

I can’t even wrap my brain around all the phenomenal feedback we’re getting about this first-ever experience we’re sharing. Please, take a moment, register (again, it’s FREE), dive in on the replays of the premieres you’ve missed, enter the drawings for a ridiculous amount of goodies, invite a friend, comment at the replay pages, get the rest of the schedule on your calendar, and join us for a vitamin shot to your career and life.


Now that that’s out of the way, I wanted to share a phrase from our elite mind-body mastermind Expansive Capacity: “Quarantine Keepers.”

Last week during our mastermind meeting, I challenged our members to explore what it is they’d like to bring with them from this creative incubation we’ve been experiencing while we’ve been under stay-at-home or safer-at-home orders since March.

Seeing quarantine as a creative incubator is straight-up empowering. And it really does represent much of how we’re feeling, it seems. There’s stuff we’re experiencing that’s challenging and confronting (of course). But there’s also stuff we’re experiencing that’s beautiful and wonderful.

In taking an inventory of what’s beautiful and wonderful about slowing down, being in solitude, going within, we can determine what we’d like to bring with us as more and more of us join the essential workers who never had a choice about shutting down.

On my list of Quarantine Keepers:
sleeping more
letting myself off the hook when I eat for comfort
staying very well hydrated
working puzzles to give my brain a break from working all the time
showing up even more to connect with my community (that’s you)
being of service
creating spontaneous moments of flirtation and giggling with the hubs

There’s more, but you get the gist. It’s the small stuff. The simple things. The basics. These are things that somehow got pushed to the side as my life became filled with so many speaking engagements and another book to write and another tour to other parts of the world and my own next-tier goals as I continue to build a membership that helps hundreds of brilliant creatives change their lives with my guidance.

Small. Simple. Basic.

What are your Quarantine Keepers? I’d love to know! The comments are open just below. Do share!

And of course, I hope I’ll see you in the chat for the SMFA Summit! Some of you have been showing up EVERY DAY (even if it’s the middle of the night where you live) and I am so enchanted by how committed you are to connecting authentically and building your enoughness up from within.

Stay inspired so you can stay inspiring!

All my love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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  1. Ann Van Haney May 25, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    My keepers:
    -Early morning walks with my daughter and our dog
    -Feeling 100% right about saying no to auditions and jobs that don’t align with the path I’m on
    -Creating much more of my own content
    -Making a point of checking in regularly with the people I care most about

    1. Bonnie Gillespie May 25, 2020 at 9:11 pm

      Ooh, these are so good, Ann. Love them. Thank you for sharing. đź’•

  2. Kathleen Nicole Parker May 25, 2020 at 10:35 pm

    – Listening to my gut, and trusting it.
    – Being of service (giving, listening, supportive).
    – Creating an action plan to get me closer to that True North Goal.
    – Mindfulness (eating, spending, time).
    – Showing up for my happiness (going on walks, reiki/meditation, working on my passion projects)
    – Connecting with those I want to know more.
    – Writing personal letters to those I want to thank for touching my life.
    – Stay humble, stay open minded to learn and be challenged.
    – Accepting all the love. đź’–

    1. Ninja Erin May 26, 2020 at 9:44 am

      These are awesome, Kathleen. ❤ It’s not lost on us that a lot of these are recurring themes for our SMFA Summit as well. 🙂

  3. Holly Jones May 26, 2020 at 9:16 pm

    My Keepers:
    More time with my kiddo
    Gardening time
    catching up on tv shows
    cooking some darn good food

    1. TBG_Erin May 27, 2020 at 3:16 pm

      Ooh, these are awesome, Holly!

  4. Sean Frost May 28, 2020 at 7:44 pm

    I haven’t had much off-time as a rideshare guy, but these things are keepers for me (at least to remember)

    Trust God
    This too shall pass
    Try to see people as God sees them—and consider where they are coming from
    When appropriate, share—sometimes people appreciate it. If not, at least you did the right
    Don’t forget to love
    Gently combat negativity
    WORK—do the work

  5. Irene Santiago May 29, 2020 at 8:43 pm

    Focusing on eating healthier.
    Sit on the back porch with my cat as I meditate in the morning.
    Don’t worry so much about what I cannot control.
    More exercise and be ok with my not so perfect body.
    Spending more time watching TV with my hubby. We rarely saw each other or spent vegging out time watching movies with popcorn before.
    Being with my kids and playing video games with them.
    Refocus and strategize about my career. I built a VO studio from a closet!

  6. Bonnie Gillespie May 30, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Sean, Irene — So good! Yes, yes, and more yes to all of this!


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