If I wanted to do the math on how many SMFA ninjas typing exercises I’ve led over the years, I’m sure the number of actors involved would be up around 2000. Heck, if we count these I’ve done in other cities around the world and online? Holy crap, many thousands more.

The formula is simple: GET DATA. Lots and lots of data. 👩🏽‍💻🎯🎬💫💰

Use the data to determine if your tools are helping your buyers understand you or sending mixed messages about how to cast you.

Today’s work was different in that I folded more enoughness mindset through the Self-Management for Actors work than ever. There were tears (mine included).

So much of understanding who we are as storytellers comes from reclaiming the version of ourselves we abandoned when we were told we were too much, too loud, too full of ourselves. The work we’re doing is healing. 🧘🏽‍♀️💫💕 It can’t not be.

As we wrapped up today, I reminded the actors something my Expansive Capacity masterminders know well: “You’ve expanded. Expect contraction.” 🌱🕊

Growth is confronting. It’s uncomfortable. It’s destabilizing. But on the other side of it is so much more.

Here’s to one of the last groups I’ll probably ever do this with, as I stretch beyond my showbiz niche.

Today was awesome. And so are y’all! 💪🏽💥💃🏽

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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