I shared my post called The Wednesday AFTER… with my team here at Cricket Feet, Inc., and one of those brilliant souls — Jacqueline Steiger, of Magic Hour Instructional Design — replied with something so fantastically written that I asked them if I could share it. They said yes! So, here ’tis.
Seems like we were on similar pages this morning, here’s what I wrote (it’s on FB so this is just a copy paste):
We’ve got work to do to create the next world. Here in CA, we voted *against* abolishing prison labor (slavery), *against* raising the minimum wage, and *against* rent control. I’m going to reflect, I’m going to take care of my nervous system, and I’m going to join the choir when I can. (The Parable of the Choir says that no one has to hold the note; as long as we keep breathing and singing, we can hold the note together.)
How do we treat disabled people, especially intellectually disabled people?
How do we treat unhoused people?
How do we treat protestors?
How do we treat prisoners and the formerly incarcerated?
How do we treat those on the fringes? The genderfuck trans people who refuse to comply? Drug users? Sex workers? Sexual assault survivors who aren’t “good victims”?
Listening and reading and being in community with activists and organizers for various causes for most of my adult life has shown me that the legislative and cultural attitudes towards those marginalized people is a strong indicator of our fascism meter.
Have you paid attention to the RICO charges that folks posting bail funds for Stop Cop City activists have been slapped with?
Have you noticed the r-slur regaining prominence in the cultural vernacular?
Who’s wearing a mask these days?
Did you see Gavin personally destroy an unhoused encampment?
Where can you learn, and where can you join?
(I’m reading about the framework of indigenous people already living in a post-apocalyptic environment, and what indigenous activism can teach us about moving forward during multiple cascading crises. I have comrades I join to fight for a free Palestine, and I know where to provide direct outreach to my unhoused neighbors when I have the capacity. And, I’m remembering to go slower than I think I need to.)
We can’t fix it today but we can always be creating the next world. We can start today. The first thing I do is check my personal stat bars. Then I know what my capacity is when I look outward. The below helped me a lot today, I love me a framework, so I’m going to share it.

[Image description: Somatic Resonance Mini Tool Kit by Kai Cheng Thom
1 physical action that supports your body to feel resourced
1 sentence, saying, or quote that helps you to feel hopeful
1 thing you can ask for from others when you’re struggling
1 compassionate action you offer to those around you when they are struggling
1 small way to contribute to positive social change]
That’s the share from CrackerJack. I also recommend “They Won. Know What?” from Natalie Miller’s Mind Witchery Podcast and “They’re Trying to Take Your Head. Don’t Let Them” from Amaya Rourke’s Substack.
What might you have to share, at this essential-to-share-resources time? Comments are open below. Thank you for your courage (and I’m saying that to myself as well; make sure you thank yourself too).
Much love,
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!