There Is Nothing Like a Meme

Nabbed from the ever-increasing greatness that is Coco (v. 3.0).
In case there’s just not enough “out there” about me…
What do you do? Cast, Write, Speak, Consult, Love.
What are the challenges? Hm. Ever-changing, ever-diminishing. See BonBlogs for details.
How do you overcome them? Writing. Always writing.
What is a typical day like? Oh, that’s funny! I sleep some. I write a lot. I open a ton of mail (especially when I’m casting). I spend time online. I host folks in-house for career consultation whatnot. I interview cute famous people for my new book. I tame kitties. I hang out with my TiVo. I go for walks. Y’know.
How do you manage information (email, blogs, etc.)? Hm. I have things bookmarked in Firefox (and in IE for non-Firefox-friendly sites… grr). I use Entourage for all things email (all things other than Gmail, which is my spam-catcher). My main information-management source, of course, is the SixHundy. No question about it… that is an amazing piece of technology. I visit loads of blogs ranging from work-related to social. I watch a LOT of TV. A LOT.
What are your three or five favorite books? What a random range? How about my favorite 37 books? (37 is my favorite number, though no one ever asks me why.) And how about my favorite books from 2000? (Seemed like a benchmark time to list. Eh.) Of course, my favorite-favorite book is Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting, which has changed the life of every person to whom I’ve given the book, as well as the life of the lovely who gave it to me a couple of years ago. Awesome.
What are your favorite websites/blogs? Oh, goodness. Where do I begin? I start each day with Breakdowns and DaltsGang and Showfax and PARF and WildOgre and Somesuch-Whatnot and of course SpyNotebook. Good lord, I’m all over the place. No favorites. Just surfing.
What tools/technology do you use? I’m on a Mac (the Chicklet, I call it) PowerBook G4 pretty much all day, every day. The SixHundy is my main companion, of course. TiVo feeds me good information, customized. I hard code in HTML for my “job-job” and do NOT own an MP3 player (I know… I’m so retro).
What’s your favorite quote? Live your dreams! If you don’t, someone else will!
What is your “secret to success”? Open Valve (see Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting) and honest communication. No drama. Drama costs extra.
What are your greatest accomplishments? Being. Period.
What are your hobbies? Or, how do you break the monotony and stay energized? Writing, painting, drawing, playing with kitties, singing, inventing new drinks (and consuming them), walking to the beach, kissing.
That was fun! Now what?

(Visited 111 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 12:25 pm

    I love that photo of you. And this is ANOTHER quiz I’m gonna have to come back to and DO!