Pretty sure I’m now the record-holder for most major arcana cards + most reversed cards in a single reading, huh, Aliza Rose?


I’m… ready to surrender to this new dimension. I think. I know The Business Mystic’s fellow Pisces j8nnii (Jennii Vo Le) would agree this is right on time. Heck, even Leila Rose was picking up on this when we spoke a couple of weeks ago.

tarot spread for bonnie gillespie by aliza rose the business mystic june 9 2021

Of course, Rachel Lang and I have been talking about my progressed transits (all kinds of nodal axis action, not to mention Jupiter conjunct my North Node, Pluto still opposing my Cancer stellium, and my good ol’ Chiron return).


There’s not a small amount of change going on.


When Aliza turned over the final — 10th — major arcana card, she said, “Just guess what it is!” Of course, at this point, I said, “HAVE YOUR WAY WITH ME, TOWER CARD.” But no, it was the STAR. So… if I make it out of these next few months alive, there’s a lovely reward out there.


I’m ready. Let’s do this.


Tarot cards by The Luminous Void.


Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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