What a time to be alive, huh?
I keep wanting to write and then I have nothing to say. Or, more likely, I have TOO MUCH to say… and while it may feel satisfying to spew forth some of it, in general, it’s not all that helpful.
The best I can hope for (at least for now) is a little burst of joy here and there, a little bit of levity now and then, a glimmer of hope that quickly gets tamped down by the existential dread that comes with having empathy for so many souls feeling so much fear now.
Wanna know why it’s so damn easy for me to go from joy to despair so damn fast?
I’m wired that way. (And yes, so are you.)
^^^ Who knew when I wrote that, 3.5 years ago, that I’d be hitting on some of the exact themes breaking through again/still today?

One of the (many) things best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert taught me in our pre-pandemic time together was THE KEY to ending our suffering.
Yes, really.
She says that we can end all suffering in our lives by never again asking WHY.
And if you’re anything like the clients and friends and biz besties I’ve spoken with in recent days, a lot of your WHY is asked about others. Others who did a thing we don’t understand. Others who believe things we don’t understand. Others who shrug off things in ways we don’t understand. Others who find pleasure in dispositions we don’t understand.
And, if Liz is right, when we ask that question less, we’re carrying a lighter Energetic Load.
Personally, I haven’t been able to play much with this, because I feel compelled to attempt connection with others through considering their points of view. And when I ask myself if I could erase the word WHY for a minute just to give myself a bit of a break from all the feelings I’m having, it feels privilege-filled to indulge in that exercise.
And because I live in a system whose values do not align with mine, I use my privilege IN that system to help create a world that does.

A few things before I sign off.
1. Never feel wrong for believing in the best version of our world.
2. When I’ve not known what to say or where to go with my energy, I’ve consumed brilliance assembled by others. These 3 links — to creations by Jacqueline Steiger, Natalie Miller, and Amaya Rourke — cover pragmatic, woo, and witchy resources. I recommend them all.
3. And my post, “The Wednesday AFTER…” — in which I remind us all to feel our feelings and engage in copious self-care — also tells the story of the 2016 Post-It Note that made all the difference.
My free, year-ahead Chart Harmony webinar is coming up on Saturday November 16th at 11am PST. I will post at my EVENTS page as soon as I have a sign-up page for you. I promise, it’s happening!
There is SO MUCH big astro happening in 2025 and into 2026… and I’m really excited to share some easy-to-do Chart Harmony rituals and remedies you can do to smooth over some of the rough edges ahead.
(And yes, we’ll provide a replay link after!)
’til then (and always), please take care of yourself.
I’m sending you so much love,
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!