How much sage *do* you have to burn to get The White House move-in ready? 💙 Asking for a friend.
Posts Published by Bonnie Gillespie
A New Day 💙
Exhale. 💙 So, so, so much work to do. So many white people to educate about privilege and how it can blind you to your own humanity and the rights you take for granted. But…
Manifestation Bingo
“Toldja!” “Whatever.” Laughter and eye-rolls and playful shoving. “The next time I say I’m 99.999999% sure, you’ll believe me now.” “I always believe you! That’s the problem.” A wink, a grin as the walk continues….
November 2020 Astro Overview
Well hello, November. Aren’t you already an intense Scorpio season?!? Y’all. Yeah. I know. So, Mercury is still in its retrograde illusion. Mars is too. Also Neptune while we’re at it. A *lot* of planets…
It’s Not Your Problem; It’s Your Filter
I love it when I get questions that apply to ALL of us. Y’know, sometimes a headshot question is gonna yield an answer that only applies to actors. Sometimes an astrology question is best for…
Lower Your Standards
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
Data. Not Drama.
A friend of mine recently had a disappointing thing happen in her business. She texted me to bounce a worry off me and before I started typing all the ways I would handle the disappointment,…
4 Years Sober
Those first days of sobriety were the hardest. Not just because of the physical absence of vodka in my system for the first time in maybe a decade, not just because I was still wrapping…