Hey, New York.

I conquered my comeback… only cried three times during flex class last night and most of it was about the emotion attached to connecting with my body again after having deferred so much of its wisdom to experts and medicine and surrender.

Don’t get me wrong; surrender is magical too! But so is putting your emotions where they go and that’s NOT in the body (unless we let that happen because it’s the only way to survive their intensity at the time).

I’m so grateful for all the mind-body work I’m doing!

Dr. John Sarno would be proud.

3+ months bedrest… OVER.

You *can* heal your life! I’m living proof.


#Sarno #DrSarno #AbrahamHicks #JohnSarno #LouiseHay #MindBody #UpperLimitProblem #TMS #sober #soberachievers #SMFAninjas #IAmEnough

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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