So, I’m prepping for this phonecall with a producer.

One of the things I always do before having a potentially conflict-filled convo is the same thing I did before every performance of my actor life: I rehearse.

And since this phonecall is just a big ol’ game of Brandprov in which I’ve gotta sniff out whether this guy’s money is real or not, I treat it like rehearsing for an improv jam: I get Keith to toss me what-ifs and I plow through ’em one by one ’til we’ve gotten me warmed up to handle just about anything that might actually come up on the call.

The one note by the time this prep session is over? “Don’t say that. It’s… mean.”


Keith is right. It’s mean. But it’s also 100% accurate so I keep it in my pocket as a possible go-to should the producer take the call into low-blow territory or paint me into a corner somehow.

He doesn’t do any of that and the call is easygoing and everything is fine, but my point in sharing this with you is that there’s very little in my life that doesn’t get at least a run-through at some point.

And that’s why I’m such a master manifester.

Something I find fascinating though is how infrequently some of my newer private coaching clients, masterminders, students take advantage of this tactic.

Rehearse for the life you want.

Extend this beyond just preparing for any amount of Brandprov that might be coming up in your life — both in fortifying against the negative and in laying out the red carpet for the positive — and try even populating your dream team with, well, dream players.

Sure, you know you want to deliver the perfect Aaron Sorkin walk-and-talk while being directed by Ava Duvernay but do you know who your agent is? Your manager? Your publicist? Your personal assistant?

Hell, write breakdowns for these people.

Cast your damn life!

One of the more magical days in our life-changing 100-day challenge Get in Gear for the Next Tier is one in which we sketch out our friend circle, our power group, our dream team. And anyone who isn’t already IN PLACE? We’ve got a super specific breakdown written out for that role. Character traits. Essences. Adjectives. Qualities.

You wanna know your superagent when you lay eyes on ’em.

You wanna feel it in your bones because you’ve been so freakin’ specific about what makes this person up.

Vision board this stuff, sure. Journal it up.

If you can — in intricate detail — write up the cast of characters that surrounds you at every turn in your next-tier life, here’s what will happen over time: that exact set of qualities will find their way into your every friendship and professional relationship to come.

Who’s there? Your coaches, your colleagues, your BFFs, your co-stars, your fans… who are they? I want you to get as specific as possible with this because then when you sit across from some jackass who really has no business being in your life, you’ll know that too. You’ll stop fighting so hard to try and salvage lower-tier relationships that need to vibrate their way on out.

It’s awesome.

Share your list with me in the comments below!

A quick admin note re: the above-mentioned 100-day challenge Get in Gear for the Next Tier — our management system for access levels and emails (that’d be Ontraport) — promises that their tech glitches have been smoothed over and your access and daily emails should continue uninterrupted from here. Please be sure to report in if that’s not the case! And while we did not cause the problem (***side-eye***) we are the ones assuring that each and every one of you gets the time made up on the end! We remain inspired by how you chose to use the glitchy time to go deeper on the class pages that needed a little more love. Y’all rock!

Oh, and if YOU would like to join in on this phenomenal 100-day ride, I’m told I need to remind you that we now offer a payment plan! 🙂 Ooh, yeah! What a dealio!

Okay, now I’ve gotta get to making a little casting list… because that phonecall I rehearsed for went so dang well. 😉 Hee! More news to come! Stay tuned!


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Narci Regina January 30, 2018 at 9:36 am

    Hey Bonnie! Love this blog! I’ve never thought of Casting EVERY role in my life. But for sure ….my husband as my business manager, got a new Legit agent in NY (yes… she was targeted! Ha!). And my current acting teacher, Tony Savant of Playhouse West, i envision as being a lifelong coach and artistic counselor. I have some solid acting friends who I envision as future co-stars as well. But i guess i have to start on my breakdowns for every other role in my dream life!! thanks Bonnie!

    1. Bonnie Gillespie February 2, 2018 at 10:33 am

      Fabulous! I hope it’s going so well! 🙂

  2. Erin Zapcic January 30, 2018 at 2:58 pm

    Awesome, Narci! Put those manifesting muscles to work! 🙂

  3. Tonya Kay January 30, 2018 at 3:36 pm

    I was really impressed with the idea of rehearsing your ideal life actions. Totally going to have a rehearsal in my living room now.


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