Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Let’s break down my post-Pilates donut ritual in the Energetic Hygiene Triangle one more time. Bottom of the triangle: NO post-Pilates donuts *today*! (That’s the goal for this level….
Browsing Category Expansive Capacity
It’s Where Everything Lives
I’ve done quite a bit of healing at our Hacienda Hot Springs getaway over the years. Many pages of Self-Management for Actors were written here. Much celebration with the hubs, our clients, and our friends….
My Goals for 2019
I was asked today about my goals for 2019. In crafting my response, I realized I didn’t want to lose what I wrote, so here are the words, for safe-keeping. 😉 This is not a…
Astrology Superpower: Use Your Moons!
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Hi again and happy woo! As promised, here’s our little Woo-Woo Wednesday action, and this time we’re gonna dig in on a bit of Aligned Hustle Calendar magic! This…
Discovery Is My Word for 2019
Do you set a word or theme for the year? Recents for me are as follows: 2015 — RUP (ridiculous unapologetic prosperity) 2016 — upgrade (and that included purging incompatible old programming) 2017 — more…
Definition of Poison — by Keith Johnson
This is a guest post for members of Expansive Capacity by my beloved partner in all things, Keith Johnson. Enjoy! For 12 very formative years of my life, I was educated by the Jesuits. I…
Perspective 🦋
A year ago, I was walking home by way of Reed Park after Pilates classes, some of my 5 to 8 pole or Pilates classes per week. This was before my hip presented a “catch”…
2018: The Year of Slowing Down
So. Way before all this mystery pain/hospitalization/bedrest/mind-body healing stuff began, I had a dental consult because a bonded tooth was perilously close to another tooth in a way that could’ve been problematic down the line…
Expansive Capacity Enters Beta
I’m writing this from my hotel room in London. It’s a glorious, gorgeous day that had been predicted to be quite rainy and grey. Nope. Sun is shining, streaming through, and I’m sticking to my…
Not My Trigger
Hello from London! There is something so powerful about knowing your triggers. Even more powerful is knowing your NOT MY TRIGGER triggers so that no one else has power over you when they try to…