Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
Browsing Category JFDI Entrepreneurial Mastermind
Astrology: The Big 3 with Bonnie Gillespie
This was SO MUCH FUN! 🤩🔮✨ At one point, our host cracked up over HOW EXCITED I was to geek out about aaaaallllllll those actors’ “big 3” (Sun-Moon-Rising, or #SMR if you’re kickin’ it The…
What did you create this year?
This question was posted at an entrepreneurial group I’m a member of. What did you create this year? 1. A whole new (second) business. Complete with DBA, trademark, the works. 2. A whole new BEGINNING…
Why Women Suck at Selling
Sorry for the clickbait headline, but it got you here, so let’s dive in on why it is that females* are evolutionarily wired to do a crappy job at marketing our gifts to the world….
Whether I’m working with actors, writers, or small business entrepreneurs, there’s something everyone seems to have in common. We don’t want to put ourselves OUT THERE until we get everything *just* right. And I say…
Zoom Coaching Is Getting Ridiculous
Just had a marvelous #SMFAninjas coaching sesh with Princess Sweet Snorts (FKA The Princess Pumpkin; FKA Dovahkiin Goblin Queen… and her person, Dayeanne Hutton, of course). 😍😘🥰 I love the time I share with spectacular…
It’s Not Your Problem; It’s Your Filter
I love it when I get questions that apply to ALL of us. Y’know, sometimes a headshot question is gonna yield an answer that only applies to actors. Sometimes an astrology question is best for…
Lower Your Standards
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
Data. Not Drama.
A friend of mine recently had a disappointing thing happen in her business. She texted me to bounce a worry off me and before I started typing all the ways I would handle the disappointment,…
My 5×5 Content Planning Method
Hi. And whoa. (For my woo-woo friends, um, is Mars retrograde comin' in hot or what?!?) This is a super quick post because I have three livestreams coming up over the next two weeks (Spoiler…