One of the brilliant things I did in 2009 is create a Twitter account for the most popular of my books for actors. That account tweets a line a day from the book. Occasionally, it…
Browsing Category JFDI Entrepreneurial Mastermind
Expansive Capacity Enters Beta
I’m writing this from my hotel room in London. It’s a glorious, gorgeous day that had been predicted to be quite rainy and grey. Nope. Sun is shining, streaming through, and I’m sticking to my…
How Expansive Capacity Was Born
I’ll never forget when it happened. It was just before my 48th birthday in July. We knew we’d soon be saying goodbye to our cat. After a glorious financial uptick, we were getting pounded with…
Content Creation Can Build an Empire
Super inspired by the What Works virtual conference earlier this week, I shared in the comments elsewhere about my content creation journey. I was asked to put my comment a into an article. 😉 So…
Bonnie Gillespie’s Interview with Ramit Sethi’s GrowthLab
So, that happened. I’ve been orbiting the Ramit Sethi universe for a while now. I’d say it was just under a decade ago that one of the SMFA Ninjas brought up his book — I…
Pruning Is Essential to Growth
Earlier today, I sent the below to the members of the SMFA All-Access program. Why am I now sharing it with you? Because it’s about growth. It’s about how we HAVE TO prune in order…
Five Kinds of Buyers
Hello and happy BonBlast day! 🙂 Hope you’re thriving as always. Today we’re gonna chat about five kinds of buyers. We all have them. These are your casting directors, agents and managers, producers, directors, writers,…
Money Is on Its Way to You Right Now
If you follow my Stories at Instagram, you saw me sharing updates every few hours this weekend as I did one of my very favorite rituals: PROFIT CLARITY. (Here’s the link directly to the bookmarked…
Fixing Money Anxiety
I know. You’re already thinking, “Yeah, right, Gillespie. Like YOU’RE gonna fix my money anxiety. Pff. Okay.” Go with me a sec, wouldja? See… after a convo with Ramit Sethi (yes, that Ramit Sethi), I…
Ponies for Everyone
I was going to write about self-care. Specifically about how unapologetic those at the highest tiers tend to be about self-care. About how leaning into unapologetic self-care *before* you’re at the highest tiers is required….