Because sometimes there’s just nothing else out there to make you say *ahh… yeah* There’s this! Shawn Reaves… of course he’s a search that landed here. I cast him in a feature film a few…
Browsing Category Ramblings
People are…
weird. That is all.
So Easily Amused
Thwok has a new favorite toy. Packing peanuts. See, Keith went to our distributor’s warehouse today and picked up a box of “damaged returns” (which is silly, b/c they aren’t really *damaged* as much as…
Two Things
1. Email woes are over. Woo damn hoo! (PS–They’re over b/c Keith talked the stupid tech guys THROUGH their system to find the problem. Sheesh!) 2. Happy birthday, Def Jam Becca MC! You rock, celebrity…
I DO NOT GIVE GOOD SANDBOX. I do NOT play well with others. And you can’t MAKE me!
I Must Be Feeling Better!
Because I’m doing the rounds (reading blogs) and stealing from brilliant people like London Cliff. That’s a good sign. Five Things I Can And Can’t Do (Cliff’s answers are way better than mine.) Five Things…
Hey, Proofer Patrol
Early request of the proofer patrol for the 2nd editon of Self-Management for Actors: If you are on my proofer patrol and you have the first edition handy, could you be so awesome as to…