“Each Box Is a Surprise.”

Ah, the wisdom of the Keith.

He mentions how smoothly some of the boxes-into-the-right rooms thing is going as he brings over another load (the final load) of “stuff” we had stored during this move (Thank you, Nelson!!). I say, “Yeah, that’s because of my writing on the side of each box. Office, closet, bed, bath, linens, ent. ctr., lvng. rm, dining, kitchen, kitties… these markings (along with that handy arrow Keith chose to ignore when putting each box upside down or on its side) tell us where to put things so the boxes are already in the right rooms when we go to open them.”

This is after he mentions that he can’t find his new sneakers (Thank you, Mitchell!!). I ask, “Which box has ‘shoes’ written on it? I’ll get your new shoes for you!”

“I don’t know what box they’re in,” he says (while I wonder if they even made it into the same box).

“Keith! Why don’t you LIKE to know how you packed things? That lets you go right to the box you want to open and get out the things you need.”

“But my way makes it so each box is a surprise!”

Yes. I guess that’s true.

*insert eye-roll here*

We met one of our neighbors Friday. We had walked to the Promenade to see a movie (cheap date — one ticket was free, the other was $7) and as we came up the stairs after our date, Janet was watering her plants. She introduced herself (a 21-year resident) and gave us some good info about our neighbors: Steve (the landlord) will go out of town with no notice and without providing emergency contact information (this explains why we’ve had no power in three rooms since Tuesday night), a neighbor below us has lived here for 50 years and has a copy of every newspaper he’s ever had delivered to his apartment, and sharing the top floor with us are an FBI agent and an attorney.


She also said that she had told another neighbor about us (she had seen us moving in). “They are the most organized people I have ever seen. Not only was that move-in completely orchestrated, but they knew exactly what time and for how long they’d stop for lunch and where that would be.”

I laughed, because I’d love to believe that we DID have such a move-in-like-clockwork experience, but I actually know some of the chaos that lives within the well-labeled boxes and smoothly-executed lunch break. 😉

That said, we have all but a handful of small boxes unopened by now and the happy news is, NOT A SINGLE THING IS BROKEN. Not one. I think this will go down as the first move in my personal history in which nothing cracked or got shattered. No, I do not count the crystals Eric knocked off Faith’s light fixture with his head, as I was able to reattach those with no trouble whatsoever. How’s the noggin, Eric?

Kitties are luscious. Still no high-speed Internet, long distance phone service, or power in those three aforementioned rooms, but man, does the tap water taste great! And for some reason, since reconnecting in the 310, TiVo keeps trying to grab some really high-brow TV shows. Are you trying to tell me something, TiVo?

The Big Thank You List
* Thank you Aleta, Homer, and David for the truck, the entertainment center, the moving help, the personal deliveries!!
* Thank you Eric for the coffee table, the Krispy Kremes, and the gloved-muscle man work!
* Thank you Debra, Ashley, and Madison for some of the best (and sweetest) elbow grease I’ve ever seen. Man, can y’all clean a house! Thank you MOST of all, of course, for Thwok!
* Thank you Shon and Jodi for the photos and the “we’re helping ALL of our friends move” visit. Great to get unexpected help on such a busy day!
* Thank you Faith for all of the lovely goodies you left behind, including some of the best dang Feng Shui cures on the planet!
* Thank you Nelson for the use of your garage for no less than a month. You really helped us get the bigger stuff packed by letting us have a place to store the little stuff early on. Thank you!
* Thank you Jackie for the garage space you loaned us while on your European cruise. It worked out perfectly for more than just our bikes!
* Thank you Joni (and now Maxine and Bullet) for continuing to hang onto those last few boxes that just couldn’t make it out of Georgia. We’ll be sending for them eventually, I promise!
* Thank you Val for the DVD series I think I’ll finally be able to watch soon (just hooked up the player today… gotta find the remote).
* Thank you Cindy, Carly, and the whole K-gang for the boxes, packing tape, and DELIVERY of said items during one of the most hectic weekends of this whole process! Oh! And thanks for the birthday goodies. Tee hee! Loving them!
* Thank you Conan and crew for the champagne, which allowed us to toast our new apartment with the crew that moved us in. We raised our glasses to the happy new home we’ve created. Thank you for helping us have that blessing!
* Finally, thank you thank you thank you thank you Liz for everything you always do to help us along. You, quite simply, rock!
Expect a more “formal” thank you to come. But I figure you definitely deserve big public praise too. Y’all kick ass! Thanks for making our new home come together so seamlessly. Really cool.

Anyone up for a walk to the beach? Meetcha there! 😉

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  1. Susan Jones August 8, 2004 at 6:04 pm

    WE’re all so happy on the canoe side of things that you and Keith saw a smooth move! woohoo!
    settling in is sooooo exciting.
    ohhh and move-in/new place sex is simply the best!
    Have fun you guys!

  2. Debra August 8, 2004 at 6:59 pm

    “But my way makes it so each box is a surprise!”
    HOWL! He’s such a kid! I love it! Can’t wait for the housewarming party! Woohoo!
    Loooooove you!

  3. Shon August 8, 2004 at 11:25 pm

    My arm pits smell like dirty socks.

  4. Susan Jones August 9, 2004 at 5:02 am

    You really should pull them out of your pits!

  5. cindy k. August 9, 2004 at 2:36 pm

    Happy to have a small part in helping, have fun getting settled! Hope each new day, like each of Keith’s boxes, is a surprise! (a good one too, not like a potato peeler or tax returns from the 90’s)

  6. conan August 11, 2004 at 2:22 am

    Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf, it was a pleasure and you were very kind and patient teaching this old dog some new computer tricks. Is there really a Bonnie……..had a lovely conversation with a woman ages ago, but never had the opportunity to meet, we must change that when time permits…….and so glad you had the Champagne to toast in your new abode. Once again, thanks Conan
    p.s. and what the heck is URL…????

  7. Debra August 14, 2004 at 7:28 pm

    p.s. and what the heck is URL…????
    Oh, Conan punkin’. So much more to learn! Teehee!