Hollywood Happy Hour, July 6th!

Please join us on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 for our next Hollywood Happy Hour with special guests, industry news and reviews, networking, loads of great prizes, yummy food, and adult beverages!

Who: Emmy Award Winning vet to celebrity pets Jeff Werber (bring all of your pet questions — but NOT your pets) and head of the commercial department at Conan Carroll & Associates, Stella Archer (bring those headshots)!

When: Tuesday, July 6, 2004, 5:30pm arrivals, 6pm program start, 7:15pm schmoozefest

Where: Alessi Ristorante & Bar, 6602 Melrose Ave., Hollywood (corner of Highland; valet parking available)

How Much: $5 plus two drinks… also, plan to take advantage of the half-priced Hollywood Happy Hour appetizers and pizzas! Yummy!

What Else: goodie bags from our sponsors for winners of our business-card drawing (make sure to bring your card) and trivia questions, lots of freebies, and everyone’s uncle, Uncle Bob, will be putting it all on “tape” for our audio archives… Yay!

RSVP: with your name, number in your party, and any suggested questions for the Q&A segment to us ASAP.

All details available at HollywoodHappyHour.com. Woo hoo!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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1 Comment

  1. Julie O'Malley June 17, 2004 at 10:48 am

    We’ve been emailing about this… I MUST remember to bring headshots. Oh – and I thought of questions for Jeff…
    1) What is the best and least chemically offensive way to reduce dander on the cat (and all over the house) so my husband isn’t so allergic? Bathing the cat is NOT an option, as she still has all her pointy bits and is not afraid to use them.
    2) How do you treat respiratory allergies in dogs? Our dog is older and seems to have developed hay-fever and has a chronic sneezy-cough that is very alarming. She is quite healthy and bouncy otherwise, but sometimes she has sneezing fits that give her a bloody nose. Our family vet cannot seem to find a problem.
    Can’t wait to meet you on the 6th, Bon –