So awesome!
The staged reading for Crossing the Bridge was rockstar good last night and I’m very pleased with the amazing, committed work that everyone brought to the project. Wow!
The staged reading for this dramatic screenplay (which had some very cool comedic moments, much to our surprise) by Scott Vance took place at the Fountain Theatre with 100 people in attendance (some standing in the wings, back stage, or in the booth to observe). My kick-ass helpers were Debra and Ashley McCarthy and Rachel Scheer, without whom I couldn’t have sat down even once during the evening. THANK YOU.
Awesomest actors on the planet, all but one of whom hail from Dalt’s Gang, included the biggest broad I know, Alice Ensor; the non-Chinese cutie Amy Harber; brilliant brother Bill Lippincott; plays-so-young David Lindsay; ever-cool Eitan Loewenstein; mack-daddy mensan Eric Halasz; lovely lady Etta Devine; non-Spock (for this night, anyway) Gabriel Diani; ever-so-versatile Hal Perry; brilliant future super-star (and it won’t be long, folks) Jillian Henry; gorgeous perky Jodi Shilling; superman Keith Johnson (also in the role of associate producer for this project); the most givingest narrator Laura Lock; smokin’ hot dead girl Pamela Newlands; no-granny-panty-wearin’ Robin Gwynne; expert-at-all-things Shon Little; funny every time he opens his mouth Subhash Mandal; very cool Susan Schramm; hysterically funny Tracy Eliott; and flat-out excellent Weston Walls.
Directors, investors, producers, and development execs in attendance all had great things to say about the script and the actors… oh, and a few agents and managers in the audience did a little scouting! Excellent! I love it when great people get together!!
The script is available in PDF for anyone looking to talk with Scott about directing (timeline is December 2004 in NoCal). I think he’ll lock down a director by mid-September and then we’ll move forward with the casting process. Woo hoo! I LOVE THIS!!
Thanks, everyone who attended. Your feedback is so very appreciated!
How Awesome Are My Friends?
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You are ALL lucky dawgs.
Woohoo! You are one ROCKSTAR Casting Director!!! What a night! Do we know some talented people or what? LOVE you!
I may be dead but it was worth the ride 😉
Great night!!!!! Thanks Bon.