This is powerful. And personal. (And, yes, woo-woo.)

In 2011, I was going through some stuff. I was evolving my beloved business after having built up our LA-based classes to three times per week (three different populations) with a waiting list to get in. Whoa.

I had started consistently touring a couple o’ years before that and was finding more joy in getting to meet with #SMFAninjas all over the world just as my LA-based classes were getting too intense to take time away from them.

We launched the first-ever exclusive Self-Management for Actors ONLINE courses (after I had collaborated on several online offerings over the two years prior, outside of my own dedicated platform). And one of my LA-based SMFA students and Cricket Feet Showcase alumni bought a session for me with Bree Melanson.

Now, I’m no stranger to the woo-woo. I grew up in a new age household and will at times use numerology alongside good ol’ statistical analysis of trends to determine best targeting methods from more than one angle at once. But I sat on this gift certificate for… a long time. I was facing major change in my business and that dredged up a lot of fear (you know how that goes — you’re SURE you want to be at the next tier, yet something about making that necessary leap feels like standing at the edge of the high dive suddenly wondering if you remember how to swim).

After plenty of resistance, I scheduled my first session with Bree to take place in February of 2012.

Join Bree Melanson and Bonnie Gillespie for This Transformative Free Call

Over the next several months, I not only continued to work with Bree to clear blocks that were facing me at levels beyond those I could wrap my logical, hard-working, analytical, brilliant brain around but I also introduced a few populations to Bree over time. First, my SMFA Master Class. This was a small, safe group whom I knew would not roll their collective eyes too much at “Bon bringing in the woo-woo again” now and then.

The shifts were powerful. I had no idea that — on one hour-long group call — Bree would be able to transform and help these amazing creatives release long-held beliefs they knew were not serving them. Several of our #SMFAninjas went on to train with Bree on how to tap into their own intuitive gifts more effortlessly. Others told their friends outside the program about our work on this single call.

So we did another call — a free one for all interested in both Bree’s work and my work. Hundreds of creatives from all over the world joined us for nearly two hours of real talk, belief clearings, balancing practical work with instincts, and Q&A on how this whole thing actually works. We then created a live, interactive course for creatives and continue to offer its recording here.

But here’s what’s interesting: Until last month, I hadn’t personally done a one-on-one session with Bree in a while. It’s like I’d stopped using my gym membership or something. I knew I needed to stay tuned up, but I had let things get woefully out of whack. And then I hit a wall. And I cried to my bestie. Who bought me a session with Bree — and just like that, the clouds parted, the creative funk lifted, the sense of overwhelm dissipated, and I awoke saying, “Oh! There’s my girl. I’m still here. She’s not gone… I just got stuck. Okay. I’m back.”

And wow, have I hit the ground running since getting some gunk cleared from my spirit!

Of course, after my one-on-one session last month, in reflecting on our journeys both together and between, Bree and I talked about how much fun we had working with our joined population of lovely creatives and seekers before, and that brings me to the punchline to this whole long post.

Bree and I are offering a free call — Releasing the Struggling Artist Mindset: Creating Real Change by Clearing Subconscious Limitations — on Friday the 27th of May at 2pm Pacific. All you have to do to join us is sign up here.

This call will be recorded and you’ll receive access to that recording whether you’re able to join us on the live call or not (but *only* if you sign up ahead of time, so don’t delay).

During this free call you will:

  • Learn how and why we hold onto limitations.
  • Discover easy tools to change deep subconscious beliefs.
  • Explore moving into your full potential and out of doubt.
  • Receive powerful energetic belief clearings catered specifically for actors and artists.

Bree will specifically clear beliefs such as:

  • I’m too old/I’m not good-looking enough/I don’t have the right look to make it.
  • The industry isn’t fair.
  • I haven’t “put in the time” yet.
  • No matter what I do, it doesn’t work.
  • I can’t afford what it takes (classes, headshots, coaching, etc.) to succeed.
  • There are no roles for me.
  • Everyone who said I’d never make it is right.

I, of course, will be adding the strategic elements of Self-Management for Actors to the mix — especially those that have become a part of my work as I author Have Fun; Don’t Suck! A Playbook for the Creative Entrepreneur — and for those who’d like to work with me on the practical application that brings a balance of woo-woo into everyday creative pursuits, I’m setting up those (limited) sessions now for before I leave the country in a few weeks. (Just comment below to chat about what sort of follow-up you’d like to get on the books.)

For those who’ve experienced Bree, you already know how very special this totally free time together on Friday will be.

For those who are learning about Bree for the first time, I encourage you to give this free call a try. Heck, even if you are — like I was, back in 2011 — feeling resistance about shifting your relationship with big, tier-jump-y change in your life right now, sign up so you’ll receive the recording. Maybe you’ll listen to it in a year and find it’s landing at exactly the right time *then*. Life’s funny like that. We hear exactly what we need when we’re open to it.

For those who have asked whether I get nervous when I share the more woo-woo parts of my work, I say, “Less and less.” There was a time when I would hide what my mother did for a living to avoid scrutiny for being the daughter of a world-renowned astrologer. I was a kid. Bullies are harsh. As an adult — especially as one who has now worked in the entertainment industry for 40 years — I find I’m surrounded by folks who are curious, eager, even thrilled to explore something greater than the here and now (heck, Oprah Winfrey talked about it in her introduction of my mother’s colleague Caroline Myss last month at an event I was privy to experience, up close and personal). Those who are turned off simply leave the building.

And that’s okay.

Whenever I share something personal in an email, on my blogs, at Twitter, I’ll get *some* pushback. I’ll get a little, “Hey! Back to teaching me how to format a resume! I don’t care what you have to say about finding balance and sustainable prosperity in a scary creative career!” and I suppose that’s like the actor who stretches beyond his or her primary type, at first. There will always be someone who says, “Boo! Do the dance-monkey-dance dance I prefer!” but there will also be those who say, “Wow. That growth is inspiring.”

As storytellers, that’s our job. Inspire through the stories we get to tell.

I hope you’ll join us on Friday as Bree and I share stories, help you release limitations so that you can better share yours, and of course fire you up for the best possible version of you headed to the next tier!

Sign up here, now.

Cannot! Wait! 🙂

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Bree May 26, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Thanks so much for sharing, Bonnie! So looking forward to this!


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