
Quite possibly one of the best movies I’ve seen in years. Thirteen is an important film, at the very least (groundbreaking, brilliantly acted, tightly written, seriously disturbing, and heartwrenching) and, at best, it’s a sign of the future of indie film.

I was flipping channels while on a casting gig in Missouri. It was like 3am on Monday and I was an insomniac in a hotel room with maybe three non-infomercial channels (one of which was HBO). I joined this film already in progress by about ten minutes or so, so I’ll definitely need to see it again to know how it all kicks off. Still, I was transfixed. There was NO flipping to another channel after that first scene I saw.

The screenwriter, Nikki Reed (who was born the year I graduated from high school), plays a young lady who befriends our lead, Evan Rachel Wood, who is actually someone we’re approaching for the film I’m casting right now. I remember hearing all of the buzz about this film back when it came out and swept so many awards. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that co-star Holly Hunter loved the script so much that she signed on to produce.

Anyway, I’m excited about this film because it reminds me that it *is* possible to do something really wonderful on a small budget (something we forget in Hollywood much of the time). Powerful performances, haunting storytelling, and kick-ass soundtrack round out the greatness that is Thirteen. Definitely add it to your Netflix cue, if, like me, you didn’t catch it in theaters.

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1 Comment

  1. Bonnie Gillespie December 18, 2015 at 10:32 pm


    I thought this movie was great. A lot of people thought it was unbelievable but I certainly didn’t. I’ve been meaning to get the DVD and see it again. It is the only thing I’ve ever really seen ERW in.

    Posted by: chip at July 28, 2005 05:29 AM


    I loved this movie too. And ERW is just freakin’ amazing–I loved her in Once & Again (season 2 is out in DVD in late August, whoo hoo!). She has this ability to just rip your heart out over & over, which is amazing given how young she was during O&A’s run.

    Posted by: hannah at July 28, 2005 08:54 AM


    I’m a huge ERW fan! When I Alex and I were fake casting a script written by a friend, I insisted that the teenage girl love interest just *had* to be played by ERW. Of course that was years ago and both boys had never heard of her and thought I was insane to be so insistent that she was THE ONE. It would be great to be able to cast her in real life.

    Posted by: stephanie at July 28, 2005 09:43 AM


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