Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Hello you beautiful souls! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! This is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so…
How I Wrangle My Calendar with the Woo
It’s no surprise that I sprinkle a good amount of woo-woo into my pragmatic data-wrangling and mindset goodness. Until recently, it was the kind of thing that you could spot… if *you* were enough into…
Help Your Family Be Supportive of Your Creative Career
It’s the time of year that creatives start dreading the trip home… not because travel is a hassle, not because leaving town right as some of the best gigs do a little casting is risky,…
Self-Care at Jeff Walker’s LaunchCon
Priorities. The hubs and I are in Phoenix for LaunchCon 2019. It has been wonderful and we’ve learned a lot. It has also been exhausting and overstimulating, as any event with 1000+ people, way-too-loud music,…
The Modes — Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable
Hello beautiful people! Let’s create more Chart Harmony, shall we? It’s time once again for us to break out our charts — create one at the FREE horoscopes (natal chart) area at Astro.com if you…
How to Be More by Doing Less
There’s something really cool about this enoughness journey. The farther along we are in this work, the simpler the BEING/DOING dichotomy becomes. I was on the phone with a business bestie recently and she was…
The Bait Tag
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Hello you glorious creatures! It’s time again for Superpower Sunday! This is all about how we can implement wee changes that can turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that…
The Illusion of Control
Storytime. I have this crazy neighbor. (Doesn’t everybody?) She is always up in everybody’s business. She has a bazilliondy plants on the patio (most of them dead). And she has interesting methods for trying to…
Unfuckwithable Enoughness
I remember in early sobriety hearing something about how people begin to trust us more when we’re sober. I didn’t really understand that — or I thought it didn’t really apply to me — because…
The 12th House (Your Undoing)
Hello beautiful people! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday! As we continue our journey toward Chart Harmony, let’s head over to the dark side, shall we? Break out your charts — create one at the FREE horoscopes (natal…