Hello beautiful people! Let’s talk about burnout. As I write this, I can kind of feel burnout wanting to creep in. As I’ve been shifting my relationship with healing, I’ve learned to recognize this stuff…
When to Move to LA
Look, we’re NEVER sure the time is right. Let me just go ahead and state for the record that no one outside of you can know when the time is right for you to move…
How I Bought My Best Friends
In 2016, I chose sobriety. And I lost my friends. Early sobriety was some of the loneliest time in my life, and I was confronted with nowhere to go with the emotions I felt about…
Why You Pretty Much HAVE TO Be a Leader
Recently, an actor tweeted me to ask how to stay focused on her goals and dreams when every day it seems as though another person she has admired in this industry is revealed as being…
No Screens in the Bedroom
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time for that good ol’ Superpower Sunday badassery! This is all about how we can implement wee changes that can turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
How to INSTANTLY Become More Castable, Hireable, Magnetic in LIFE!
Hello you glorious creature. Good headline, huh? Yeah… who WOULDN’T want to become *instantly* more attractive in all the right ways? Earlier this year, I hired an SEO expert to analyze what brings people to…
Asking for the Sale
Y’all. I did it. I asked for the sale. I never, never, never do this. I would usually answer this question with the first part… then stop. Because the question was, “When are you coming…
Using Numerology to Your Advantage
Well hello you beautiful people. Not gonna lie, I’m nervous putting this one out there. That’s not because I don’t quite know what I’m doing in this area — oh, believe me, this is something…
How to Use Void Moons (Moon Void of Course)
Hello beautiful people! Time for more Chart Harmony. Today we’re gonna drill down on some really smart ways to spend the energy of the void moon — something that happens many times throughout the…
Confidence As Enoughness
I’m fairly confident that all successful entrepreneurs have this in common: We’ve found a way to “do it scared.” See, we all feel the fear. From an evolutionary perspective, we’re wired for safety. So, being…